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Baby Brine Shrimp Temperature Question.


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Are you just wanting to make sure you can feed them to fish in a cold water tank and they'll survive for a while until they get eaten? If so, I've definitely fed to tanks in the 60s and had the BBS move around for multiple hours later. If you're wanting to raise them up, I've got no idea. 

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I recently hatched my bbs for like first time in a while. I did it room temp, but I pointed my bulb lamp above the container and had the light on 24/7 and the (coke) bottle was standing near a heating line that runs under the table. I keep my place around 21°C, I didnt measure the water temp, will do so next time.  I suspected longer hatching time, had them in 24 hours, fed them in the next 24hours. No issues, so it is doable

On 2/14/2023 at 12:11 PM, Theplatymaster said:

@Fish Folk@lewk

i can have a heater for hatching that is not a problem, but what i want to do is make a drip-baby brine shrimp heater, which i cant put a heater in.

I assume you meant to say drip baby brine shrimp hatchery. How will you filter the eggs out though, if you drip in tank directly? Also long term drip of the salt water filled with protein from the hatching could be risky to a small tank, wont it?

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@Theplatymasterah ok, sorry, then I didnt understand the  "I can have a heater for hatching that is not a problem, but what i want to do is make a drip-baby brine shrimp heater, which i cant put a heater in" line

But alas room temp works fine, I expected to wait way longer for mine to hatch and was therefore surprised when in 24 hours there was so much movement. FYI, that was my second attempt and the first one was with eggs that expired in 2017. Whatdoyouknow, didnt hatch 😄 So shocked

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