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A Tale of Two Tanks: Miska's Journal


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This is going to be my journal for my 36G Bowfront and my 5 gallon baby tank.

I am going to try to take photos and post them here mostly for myself. I'd love advice along the way, but please be nice. I'm a 35 year old mom who is Neurodivergent (I'd suspect I am not in the minority here) who is starting fish keeping for the first time. 

My goals:

Plants in Tanks:
-I want a full planted tanks.
-I'm hoping to achieve a natural balance with the plants and aquatic life.
- I'd eventually like full biotopes 

Hydroponics or Water Helpers-
-I am trying to also grow herbs and vegetables inside and outside of my home. 
-My goal is to utilize the fish water to grow items on top of my tanks, as well as near my tanks for ease of use when doing water changes.Large water changes (5+ gallons) will go outside in the flower garden (as I am currently doing), herb gardens, and in my vegetable gardens and in a reserve water tank (rain barrels)

- I do not want or have the money to spend large amounts.
- Yes I am aware hobbies cost money.
- Frugality is one of my life goals in all aspects of how I live.

Included is my first photo! Some cherry shrimp I got from /r/aquaswap hanging out in my 5G


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On 2/9/2023 at 11:15 AM, Miska said:

- I do not want or have the money to spend large amounts.
- Yes I am aware hobbies cost money.
- Frugality is one of my life goals in all aspects of how I live.

my best advice for fishkeeping on a budget, if you have one get a good relationship going with your LFS, ive gotten small discounts and livestock trades from mine and saved money.

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Thank you, that is great advice!!!

I am also:

Going to the Diamond State and Lancaster Fish Clubs- I want to make connections with folks, and purchase directly from folks who are skilled in the hobby.
Getting to know folks through Aqua Swap and my local market place- many breed plants in my area (I live between Baltimore and Philly). 
Go slow and learn about aquariums. I am patient and I can let the fish I do have shine. 

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This is my newest tank. I tried to cycle it without fish, but a friend ended up bringing me fish for it after a week. I consider it to be kinda ugly right now. I need to add a lot more plants. I have plants to pick up frog bit, water lettuce, java fern, and purple leaf this weekend. Some free, some for 5 dollars. 

I'm also trying to figure out what cat and dog friendly plants I can use. Pathos is a no-no for cats. 

I think I need to add more substrate into it, I have some more eco complete. I am going to try and do that using the water bottle method. It's testing okay- not where I want it, but not yo-yoing. Pretty consistent. 




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I'm picking up:


Java Fern -5 

Frogbit - free

red rood and salvia - 10 for two large sandwich bags of both with some frog bit in it.

Water Lettuce- Free

A breeding box for a pregnant royal guppy - 6 for 4 of them

A cleaning tool that has a longer handle for 3 dollars. 

I am also going to Go Fish in Baltimore, a store that my friend says has the *pretties* guppies. Just to check it out and maybe buy some plants.


this weekend. My goal is to highly plant my tank, I think that if I spend around 25 a week now that I've finished "start up", I can stay within my budget. 

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On 2/10/2023 at 6:38 PM, Miska said:

I'm picking up:


Java Fern -5 

Frogbit - free

red rood and salvia - 10 for two large sandwich bags of both with some frog bit in it.

Water Lettuce- Free

A breeding box for a pregnant royal guppy - 6 for 4 of them

A cleaning tool that has a longer handle for 3 dollars. 

I am also going to Go Fish in Baltimore, a store that my friend says has the *pretties* guppies. Just to check it out and maybe buy some plants.


this weekend. My goal is to highly plant my tank, I think that if I spend around 25 a week now that I've finished "start up", I can stay within my budget. 

Are you using any ferts?? Please post a pic of those guppies! 😁

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Some great suggestions for money-saving here! My local aquarium club costs $20 per year. One of the benefits is a 15% discount at 2 of the lfs. About once a month one of them offers larger discounts on specific items or BOGO free for club members only. 

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On 2/12/2023 at 2:49 PM, JJenna said:

Some great suggestions for money-saving here! My local aquarium club costs $20 per year. One of the benefits is a 15% discount at 2 of the lfs. About once a month one of them offers larger discounts on specific items or BOGO free for club members only. 

My local club charges 65 bucks a year, and there are no benefits to my knowledge. Might be why I haven’t joined 😂

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I ended up catching a bug my son gave me (he's 3, that tells you everything). But I am going to try to go to Go Fish later this week! I got the java fern Saturday which I think is actually sword. But that's okay. I'm really happy with it.  And then I got very sick during DnD. So everything else is paused. My husband is doing my big water change today. 

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I got:


Red Root Floaters, mini Salvina and frog bit for 5 bucks a bag! I got two sammich bags packed with it. One for me and one for my bestie (the corycat lady).

I also got a 10 gallon with everything needed for 30 bucks! Because one of my husbands got me the Aquasprouts system for Valentine's Day. 

We stopped at a place that has beautiful Endler and Guppy Tanks. I love Endlers. I'm looking for neon green tetras, and it's surprisingly hard to find! I've been to several stores that have none. So weird.

I need to set up a quarantine tank this weekend. That's one of my tasks. And it is my besties birthday on Tuesday- so I am also considering getting her some fish stuff. But not sure what. 

I MAY be picking up Panda Cories for 30 for 10 from someone who lives over near DC next weekend. I've been wanting them for my 36- and I believe it is cycled now. We have had the fancy guppies give birth, and the feeders my friend bought all but three of the 12 died but the fish she got from that place also died (the place was so gross, I can't even, it smelled so I didn't stay inside).

I'm trying to figure out what plants I'd like. I'd like to buy them from Aquarium Co-Op, but that might have to wait until Mother's Day or my Birthday in June. 


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Copied From Tank Notes


36 Gallon Bowfront: 

Location: Adult Living Room


  1. A trio of Fancy Guppies
  2. Feeder Hybrid-Endlers- 3 Females and 1 Male

Plan to Add: (Note this is in flex as I research and learn more about certain fish)

  1.  Neon Green tetra (6-10)
  2. Panda Cory (6-10)
  3. Amano Shrimp
  4. 1 Honey Gourami or 2 Angels
  5. Mystery Snails
  6. MTS
  7. Ramshorn
  8. Whatever Endlers get put in my tank from my bestie and her breeding program


  1. Java Fern
  2. Java Moss
  3. Water Lettuce
  4. Frogbit
  5. Salvinia 
  6. Red Root Floaters (I was told, but I don't see any so still unsure)
  7. A plant that I bought from Frag 2 Fishes that I do not remember what it is called

Plan to Add:

  1. Corkscrew Val once it takes off in my 5 gal
  2. Hornwort
  3. Red Ludwiga
  4. Anything I can get cheap off of marketplace or from fish clubs etc.
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Thank you! It's a total newbie set up and a wonderful person from Reddit gave me the tank, stand, substrate, and all the decor for 75 dollars (the driftwood alone, without the ceramic likely would have been that).


I really love the guppies. They had babies (there are 4 hiding in the plants). I can't wait to get more plants.


MD tanks has converted me. lmao. 

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On 2/21/2023 at 6:26 PM, Miska said:

Thank you! It's a total newbie set up and a wonderful person from Reddit gave me the tank, stand, substrate, and all the decor for 75 dollars (the driftwood alone, without the ceramic likely would have been that

Decent find. 🙂


On 2/21/2023 at 6:26 PM, Miska said:

really love the guppies. They had babies (there are 4 hiding in the plants). I can't wait to get more plants

My first fish were guppies (if you don’t count some which died after a couple of days) 


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