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Filter Media in a Aqueon Quietflow 20


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Hi Nerms,

I have a Aqueon HOB filter that I added to my tank. I know that I want to hot rod it and I just got the filter pads from Co-op. My question is how to I effectively layer them into the back. (I know I have to cut them to shape)

This is a video of a similar filter hot-rodding in progress. See how the water flow comes in from the left and then goes to a wide but narrow area before heading back into the tank. 

It look like he goes takes the layered-cake approach. His coarse filter pad is vertical and then the rest horizontal. I'm wondering which is more efficient, stacking material like a cake or putting them in like books.

I am using Ceramic Bio-Media, Purigen, the fin poly pad and the coarse filter pad from CO-OP. Links below. 










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I use my HOB with a similar design with,

Coarse sponge on bottom, 

Filter floss on top, 

and biorings and probably purigen on top. (never used purigen myself, but assuming)

I also use prefilter sponge on the in take. Never had any issues really, cleaning the filter once every month or so.

I would try to aim the most mechanically cleaned water to reach biomedia at last.

I'm not sure if the position of coarse sponge inside is good for the flow or how the hob works. Intake sponge should do the job for big particules at the start on the tube  anyway

I would try to use my hob as much efficiently as I can, but also avoid fully filling it to not cause any changes in the water movement and how the flow should normally find its way through.


Edited by Lennie
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Personally, I leave the blue plastic biological filtration in. I shove a piece of coarse sponge in place of the aqueon cartridge, then place a rectangular piece at the outlet. I fill the left chamber with crushed coral. Also I use a medium pre filter sponge. This seems to work quite well. 

If you want to use purigen, I would shove it in the left chamber. You may need to remove the LED sensor to make more room. I sawed mine off. 

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On 1/30/2023 at 6:29 AM, egranadosjr said:

It look like he goes takes the layered-cake approach. His coarse filter pad is vertical and then the rest horizontal. I'm wondering which is more efficient, stacking material like a cake or putting them in like books.

There is a few things going on here....


This section on the quietflow is the most problematic when modding.  I did a "layered" approach on mine, but there are a few ground rules here.

1.  The filter flows left to right. 
2.  That section / indent indicated by the arrow is where you often will get bypass.
3.  You have a good flowing pump, but the difficult part is trying to control the flow.
4.  The box isn't completely square, it tapers in as it goes down, which does make cutting sponge a little bit challenging.

I would place foam in, leaving a gap (or use a grate) on the bottom).  Try to get the water to flow over, down to the bottom, then up through the sponge.  This would minimize bypass in that particular section and try to encourage the water downward and through the media as opposed to over it.  No media first, Course media next, then using fine media to block or force the water though the course stuff... slowing flow.

I did a diagram once for someone, but I doubt I can find it again.  If you need a sketch let me know and I'll make one for you.
(Edit: Found it)

Here's another setup too.


Edited by nabokovfan87
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