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When You Have Monster Ghost Shrimp!


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On 1/20/2023 at 5:28 PM, FLFishChik said:

bigger than my Cardinal Tetra

Ghost shrimp in our 125 turtle tank....they have their own hidey spot in a corner of the tank that Squirt cannot reach nor move during his frequent redecorating of the tank. We have a few that are as big as the danios in the tank. They are prolific breeders in our tank. 

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On 1/20/2023 at 7:16 PM, JJenna said:

Ghost shrimp in our 125 turtle tank....they have their own hidey spot in a corner of the tank that Squirt cannot reach nor move during his frequent redecorating of the tank. We have a few that are as big as the danios in the tank. They are prolific breeders in our tank. 

I wish they would breed in my tank! Every now and then, I get a berried female, but nothing ever comes of it. I don’t know if it’s my water or maybe I just have all females.

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On 1/21/2023 at 9:05 AM, Aiden Carter said:

Speaking on ghost shrimp could they live with Bolivian rams, mine monched all my cherry shrimp, and want some shrimp (I’ll go Amanos if I can’t find anything that has the chance to breed in fw)

I can’t really speak on Bolivian Rams, but the ghost shrimp I have are far larger than the cherry shrimp and are super fast when darting away from tank mates. One flick of the tail and they can dart halfway across my 29g tank. And bonus… they are cheap. BB store has them $0.59 each, so if you get a few and they accidentally become a snack, you aren’t out a ton of money

Edited by FLFishChik
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On 1/21/2023 at 9:27 AM, FLFishChik said:

I can’t really speak on Bolivian Rams, but the ghost shrimp I have are far larger than the cherry shrimp and are super fast when darting away from tank mates. One flick of the tail and they can dart halfway across my 29g tank. And bonus… they are cheap. BB store has them $0.59 each, so if you get a few and they accidentally become a snack, you aren’t out a ton of money

I had bad experiences with feeder ghost shrimp, I bought about 30 and all died, entirely could have been me and they were from Petco 

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On 1/21/2023 at 9:53 AM, Aiden Carter said:

I had bad experiences with feeder ghost shrimp, I bought about 30 and all died, entirely could have been me and they were from Petco 

It happens. I buy 8-10 at a time, about 50% make it. The ones that do make it seem “bullet proof”. Would I take my chances if it were any other Shrimp? Probably not as others are far more expensive. Cherry Shrimp don’t seem to last long in my tanks, probably because of the water here, and I’m not willing to spend a ton on shrimp that may or may not survive in our weird water (I’m also not into chasing perfect water parameters to be able to house specific fish/invertebrates) so, I stock according to what will be happy with the water as is. Ghost Shrimp seem to be ok with it. I currently have a total of 8 between 3 tanks and all seem to be ok. Wish they would breed, but again, my city water probably isn’t conducive to Shrimp breeding. 

Edited by FLFishChik
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