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Shrimp nets


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So my shrimp need sorting what makes a good shrimp net?

I don't currently have anything  currently that will work hunting in a nano tank .

Do normal fish nets do or would I be better with something like a brine shrimp net.

Do those triangular ones make sense or are they a waste of time.

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On 1/5/2023 at 8:59 PM, TOtrees said:

You won’t likely be able to get it 😞 , but…

Hands down the best net I have is this one: https://shrimpfever.com/product/short-handmade-shrimp-net-carbon-fiber-handle/

The basket is very small, like only 1.5” mouth and about 2” deep. And it’s not cheap. But I’ll keep buying them over others all day long. 

I'm using similar nets as this one, but the cheaper versions (can be found on AliExpress, Amazon etc). Working fine for me.
Got one with an extendable grip wich is awesome, so i can use them in my nano tanks but also the bigger community tanks.
Use them when catching shrimps for the culling. If i'm catching more shrimps or all of them (sale or relocating a group etc) i just use my regular fishnet.

Might be looking for a square one though in the future, because the round net isn't always the best.

My experience is that they sometimes can be a bit jumpy when being catched. So a brine shrimp net may be to shallow.

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Ditto on using the inexpensive telescoping nets that look like the above linked net. Mine came as a set of 4 or 5 in different sizes and to be honest, they are my favorite nets for almost all uses.

The telescoping handles are great and because of the tight weave fabric, the nets themselves kind of act like a cup in that if you go behind a fish and push the net down, the fish gets kind of sucked into the net with the water. With more traditional nets, water moves through them so easily they don't have this kind of pull. 

I also appreciate that they are white, because tiny fry and small shrimp show up easily against the fabric. I've had disasters with both black and blue nets where I did not see small passengers and they got dried out before I realized they were left in the net when I put it away 😞

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On 1/5/2023 at 9:14 PM, Cinnebuns said:

I have been using one of these for almost 2 years. Actually bought 3 more this week to have one for each tank. Hasn't rusted, ripped, or broken. Good net.

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I also like the small nets with the telescoping handles from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B087614NSC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1), and have several (I like them for catching small fish too).

However, I bought a cheap set of four that I don't like (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0948ZMFBD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1).  The netting material is too soft and flexible.  I prefer the ones where it is stiffer and doesn't collapse as easily.

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