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Giant Platy! Freak of nature or just big boned?


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I have a community tank that includes a bunch of platys.  Of course they breed like crazy so I've seen dozens of them through the life cycle from fry to breeding adult.  One of them is a GIANT.  She's the only fish left from my original tank setup, and I'd never get rid of her, but she's a monster.  She's at least twice as big as the next largest adult in the tank.  (BTW, her name is Rocket)  I always look at the platy tank when I go to a fish store, and I've never seen another one that is this big.  I don't think she's been exposed to gamma rays, but I did buy her from a BBS.

Can anyone tell me if she is some specific of giant platy species? 

 Note, in the image, the platy next to her is almost a year old.


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On 1/1/2023 at 12:16 AM, smm333 said:

That's interesting. I have 5 platies and 2 are the same coloring as the one you show. One of them is much bigger than all the others. When I bought them I thought maybe she was pregnant, but nope. She's just really big! 

That makes me feel better.  Thanks!  She was a juvenile when I bought her.   

On 12/31/2022 at 10:20 PM, Ninjoma said:

I know platy can crossbreed with swordtails. Could she be a swordtail or a hybrid swordtail? 

Anything is possible (not ruling out gamma rays). That said, she is the grandmother of several generations of platies, and none of them have manifested the distinctive swordtail.

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On 1/1/2023 at 12:52 AM, Cinnebuns said:

Is it possible she's sick? Almost looks like she might be. 

She's fine.  She looks kind of messed up ever since she got stuck in a feeding clip (see GIANT platy) I use to feed the otos.  She healed fully but was left with a somewhat frazzled appearance.  She does not demonstrate any behaviors that make me think she is ill.  First, she'd been like that for a couple of years. Second, she eats, interacts, etc.  normally. No hiding, flashing, resting on the bottom.   

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On 1/1/2023 at 12:30 PM, Aiden Carter said:

could it be gigantism? dwarfism/ gigantism happens in humans i dont see why it cant happen in fish 

Possible, but wouldn't I see some evidence of the mutation in subsequent generations?  Still leaning toward the gamma theory.

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