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Upgrading Tank


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Hi all.

I am upgrading my current tank, ideally on the same day as I want the new tank in the same spot.

Just running through my plan.

Collect new tank 

Drain current low enough to get fish out. Put them in a temp tank with sponge filter from old tank and heater.

Drain as much as possible.

Move tank out, move new one in.

Scape, plant, fill.

Get to temp, sponge in, fish in.


Does that sound OK?

Also if I added a layer of aquasoil before gravel would that be fine adding fish so quickly?  Sponge filter is well cycled (12 months at least)


Thank you 

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On 12/25/2022 at 9:34 PM, aussieant32 said:

Just running through my plan.

Collect new tank 

Drain current low enough to get fish out. Put them in a temp tank with sponge filter from old tank and heater.

Drain as much as possible.

Move tank out, move new one in.

Scape, plant, fill.

Get to temp, sponge in, fish in.

FIRST, welcome to the forums 🙂

Usually my method is....
A. remove all the hardscape
B. Remove the plants
C. Drain the tank a little (or just remove the fish if it's easy.
-----> Filters and lights and all that set aside, any sponges I use are for mechanical, not biological, so they just hang out with the rocks or whatever after being cleaned
-----> Plants, ceramic media, and fish go into a bucket.  Fish get an airstone, plants get one if there's a bonus one available.
E.  Drain the tank as much as possible, remove the substrate into a bucket
F.  Take the old tank out to wherever and hose it out / clean it.  Clean the lid, clean the lights, etc.
G. Get the new stand in place (or just new tank) and then go ahead and verify the stand is level, then the tank is level.
H.  Add in substrate, water.  Add in hardscape, get filtration running.  Then I plant everything.  I don't usually plant a tank when it's not full of water because it always moves around when I fill it up.

Then let it run, then add back in the fish. 🙂

On 12/25/2022 at 9:34 PM, aussieant32 said:

Also if I added a layer of aquasoil before gravel would that be fine adding fish so quickly?  Sponge filter is well cycled (12 months at least)


On 12/25/2022 at 11:37 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

Which Aqua Soil?

I believe what Miller is getting at is that some aquasoils will leech ammonia.  You'd want to put a scoop of substrate into a specimen container, bowl, bucket, or something so that you can run a test.  Let it soak for 24 hours and then see if it leeches anything.  There is also likely some recommendations Mmiller can make if you're trying to find out which one.  He has some pretty epic, beautiful tanks!

Secondly, if you plant to cap it, then you just want to make sure you have a thick enough cap.  I often had issues and it eventually mixed together on me in certain parts of the tank.

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Thanks so much for the replies.


Sounds like a great way to do it.  I am hoping to reduce the water enough that I can slide the tank out of the way enough to not have to rehouse the fish during the process.


I will likely skip the soil, in 30 years I've never used it.  Just was an idea mulling about in my head.  Probably just stick to gravel.



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