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Everything posted by aussieant32

  1. for those playing at home. Move went perfect. Fish have been back in for 24 hours, no casualties so far. Thanks for the advice 🙂
  2. Thanks so much for the replies. Sounds like a great way to do it. I am hoping to reduce the water enough that I can slide the tank out of the way enough to not have to rehouse the fish during the process. I will likely skip the soil, in 30 years I've never used it. Just was an idea mulling about in my head. Probably just stick to gravel.
  3. Hi all. I am upgrading my current tank, ideally on the same day as I want the new tank in the same spot. Just running through my plan. Collect new tank Drain current low enough to get fish out. Put them in a temp tank with sponge filter from old tank and heater. Drain as much as possible. Move tank out, move new one in. Scape, plant, fill. Get to temp, sponge in, fish in. Does that sound OK? Also if I added a layer of aquasoil before gravel would that be fine adding fish so quickly? Sponge filter is well cycled (12 months at least) Thank you
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