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Effective removal of pest snails


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This topic is somewhat controversial, as snails of any sort so add benefit in the right numbers.

Anyway, I picked up some plants via a plant swap with my local aquarium community, and as-expected there are ramshorn snails. Lucky for me, the plants are living in a cooler with a light, heater, and filter until my tank arrives, so I have things in isolation. Is there anything I can dose in the water to eradicate the issue before putting it in the main display? I crush them as I see them, but their numbers are definitely growing. Maybe a kuli loach? Or can I dose with something that'll help?

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Since the plants are not planted Reverse Respiration will eliminate all snails and snail eggs as well as any negative bacteria and parasites. Here is the complete thread but the short use version is:

Soak plants fully submerged (may need to be weighted down) in freshly opened seltzer water (do not seal the container it will crush the plants) in the dark for 12 hours. Then move plants to an aerated pail of water. Process complete and you are safe to plant. Good luck looking forward to seeing your new tank. 


Edited by Guppysnail
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Quick update on this thread: I believe the snails I have are actually bladder snails, not ramshorn. Still a pest. A few details I failed to mention above are that a few amano and a few nerite snails are in the holding container to keep algae at bay. 

Short of a full blown nuke user Cupramine and killing all the inverts I want to keep, I think I'm out of luck in eradicating the pests. Maybe I'll have good luck keeping their numbers contained when the display tank is up and as it matures? Any other ideas?

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the Reverse Respiration  treatment that GuppySnail  mentioned above  and provided a link does amazing with the pest snails i tried it amazing for snails and algae  both and easy to do the treatment and you do it before adding plants to tank  

Edited by Bev C
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Go to the Photos, Videos, and Journals page and read R.R. Reverse respiration thread. It's pinned right at the top of the page. It sounds like you have the time it would take to do the R.R. . You will have no pests of any kind afterwards.

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