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This could go great, or very wrong, I don't know. Nano tanks


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Hey everyone,

So I want to do a sort of nano shrimp tank. I am new to shrimp but not new to aquariums. I want to try red cherry shrimp because I have a lot of ponds and tanks they could go in. I wanted to use this bowl for them, however I am worried about temperature. My house is very old and has 0% insulation, and in winter gets about 50 degrees. Also it swings a bit, about 5-20 degree swings. I know cherry shrimp are okay with cold, but not temp swings. Do any of you know a way I could set this one gallon bowl up without a heater? Or a heater I could use for this size tank?

Thank You!



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My cherry shrimp overwinter here in NC (10 degrees F in winter and 100 degrees F in summer) in a tub set in the ground in my backyard. And they multiply like crazy, so I suspect they can handle temperature changes, but that is just a guess on my part.

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I don't keep heaters in any of my tanks with shrimp in them. The temperatures fluctuate quite a bit and I've never had an issue. I would love to see how yours turns out. I love the look of nano shrimp bowls and still plan on doing one when I find a large enough bowl. 

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