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water change even if parameters normal?

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The best answer is it depends. I kean towards saying yes. Water changes do more than just stabilize the 3 parameters we tend to measure. 

1.  An opportunity to gravel vac

2.  Get even less nitrates so it's safe to add fertilizer which gives other nutrients for plants 

3.  Restores minerals used up like calcium 

4.  Stabilizes PH by restoring KH

5.  Removes hormones created by fish which encourages stunting 

6.  Removes any meds that may be left over from previous dosing

That's just off the top of my head but I'm sure someone can come up with more reasons for a water change than that. This doesn't mean you absolutely have to every single week. It just means that there are more factors to consider than just nitrate. If you have considered all the factors and still think you can hold off another week on a water change then go for it!  

Edited by Cinnebuns
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It's generally a good idea to do at least a small water change every so often even if the parameters are fine, we only test for a very small number of things that are in the water so largely we have no idea what it's like.

So you can probably push back a few weeks and leave it longer I only change water every 6 to 8 weeks ish unless I feel like changing something. It's also generally good to have a vacuum in there fairly regularly.

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On 12/4/2022 at 4:47 AM, Pepere said:

I get a kick out of the video of the fish store that never does water changes.

I always wonder how much water gets changed every time customers leave with a bag of fish and water…. It certainly would not be an inconsequential amount.

Lol thats a good point. How can they claim no water change if they clearly have to replace that water somehow?  

On 12/4/2022 at 1:13 PM, lefty o said:

when to change water, when your testing tells you to, or your eye's and gut tells you to. set in stone you must change water weekly or bi-weekly or whatever magic number someone comes up with , is just not needed.

I can kinda understand why these weekly or biweekly or specific numbers rules are made tho. A majority of the people in this hobby just want an easy instruction manual and aren't concerned with the specific ins and outs as to why they do the water change. For these people, a simplified answer works best. They often won't get past working out more of the details. 

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