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Celestial Pearl Danio - Swim Bladder Problem?


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I got these CPDs from AquaHuna about a week ago.  One was DOA and one was a furcata rainbow, but otherwise the six CPDs were in good shape for a few days.  Then this guy started doing this.  His color is still pretty good and he eats.  But, as you can see, he's pogo sticking around.  

Tank temp is at 74, I haven't done a recent water test, but I can do that tonight.  Please forgive the absolutely filthy front glass.

I've got a separate, empty 10 gallon right next to this tank that I could move him into as needed.


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Looks like swim bladder could have been damage during shipping it can be caused by your fish   over eating and the stomach  putting pressure on the swim bladder  you have a couple of options wait if it's injured it can get better over time or  fast for a couple of days or you can do Epsom salt baths 1 table for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for a couple of days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to relieve pressure on the swim bladder 


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I don't think they've been over fed, but I suppose it's possible (or that diet change has backed them up).  I had thought to just kind of wait for a bit, but it's been going on several days now.  I'll cut feed for a few days and see if that makes any difference then move on to epsom salt bath.


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  • 2 months later...
On 12/2/2022 at 4:56 AM, jwcarlson said:

I don't think they've been over fed, but I suppose it's possible (or that diet change has backed them up).  I had thought to just kind of wait for a bit, but it's been going on several days now.  I'll cut feed for a few days and see if that makes any difference then move on to epsom salt bath.


Hey @jwcarlson, how did things turn out for you CPD? I got the exact same thing going on with one of mine. Same pogo sticking around

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