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On 11/21/2022 at 6:18 AM, Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics said:

I'm looking for a fish that would be active and fun to watch, really fun to feed like how African cichlids eat, plant safe and I can have a big group of in a 40 gallon breeder.

Any recommendations?

Shell dwellers spring to mind, or maybe some killifish with some Pygmy cories (wink @Schuyler!) … maybe a large school of a cheap tetra, because that always impresses people.

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Hypothetically, if I were in your shoes, I’d either purchase Neolamprologus Multifasciata or any Pseudomugil species that catches your eye (for me, it’s Gertrudea Aru 2). If you want to have to put some effort into getting babies, then go for the rainbows. If you just want to basically set it and forget it, go with the shellies. The aquascape can’t be too intricate because the shellies are also interior decorators. They bulldoze the sand in the most fantastic way. Just toss 2-3 easy planters with some Java fern and it’s good to go. Good luck! 

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Aspidora spilotus 

These are so fun love crowds of each other. Eat and forage constantly, will try to catch worms midwater even flipping upside down to do it. Use the entire water column with their clown antics. Have zero fear of anything. Pick food from my fingers, are convinced the siphon is there just to stir up goodies for them. 



They eat a bit different than my GBR but I have never had a fish that is more fun, active, entertaining and love to be in dense groups. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 11/20/2022 at 10:47 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

or maybe some killifish with some Pygmy cories (wink @Schuyler!) … 

Take suggestion I give with a grain of salt. I've only been at this for a few months (if you don't count the family community tank we had growing up).

That said I love my Nothobranchius Eggersi Killifish. They are very active, super colorful, and they are always hunting (either for food or for a mate). They'll swim mainly on the middle or bottom layers of the tank. You may even be able to buy some eggs online to hatch yourself.

Something I've been thinking about (but haven't looked into how viable it would be) is getting multiple genus of Killifish (so they don't hybridize). There would be the Notho who scatter their eggs, at the top you would have clown killis (Epiplatys annulatus), and then a non-annual type like Aphyosemion bivittatum that will use a spawning mop. 

That would give lots of color and variety.

Then there's still room for something on the bottom as cleanup

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I guess it's really personal. I still got the most fun out of shrimps. Just love they way how they are 24/7 looking for food and moving around the tank, on top of each other or using the snails as a ride when they are tired. 40 gallon is a bit big for shrimps though. On the upside: that means a lot of room for lot of shrimps 😉

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