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Tips for breeding RCS and Pygmy Cories


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Hello I recently got back into the hobby. I have a 10 gallon with 7 pygmy corydoras and 10+ red cherry shrimp. I have java moss and amazon swords. I am thinking of adding 5 more pygmy corydoras since hastatus is so hard to come across as well as dwarf ambulia but I cant seem to locate any. I would like to turn this into a breeding project with only these two species. Will they be compatable ? I havent noticed any predation of the smaller RCS. 

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I would absolutely think that these two species would breed well in the same tank! In my own experience the Corys won't typically prey on the shrimp simply because the shrimp are pretty quick and good at getting out of the Corys' way. That being said I'm sure some tiny shrimplets have been eaten somewhere along the way but not enough to keep the population from booming. The shrimp won't bother the Cory eggs either. The only real hurdle with this will be keeping the Corys from eating their own eggs, lol!

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Corydoras typically won't bother the shrimp. They just don't really go after them too much.  The best thing I can offer as advice is to have wood + moss on that wood. Rocks as well. It gives a place for eggs to go, great for the shrimp, and great for fry to hide in. 

Probably harder to get but the moss balls are also great for a setup like that, especially if you can get a few different sizes.

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