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  1. Hello I recently got back into the hobby. I have a 10 gallon with 7 pygmy corydoras and 10+ red cherry shrimp. I have java moss and amazon swords. I am thinking of adding 5 more pygmy corydoras since hastatus is so hard to come across as well as dwarf ambulia but I cant seem to locate any. I would like to turn this into a breeding project with only these two species. Will they be compatable ? I havent noticed any predation of the smaller RCS.
  2. anytips for it to grow I bought some and it seems to not be as green
  3. Does anyone have suggestions on where I can buy emerald eye rasboras, celestial pearl danio and hastatus corys. For CPDS I am trying to breed them so I want spefic male to female ratio. I plan on also adding some cherry shrimp and any tips with these.
  4. However, the bacteria thrives on the highly oxygenated, high flow areas of the filter too. thank for this suggestion I will do this
  5. My tank recently had a bacteria bloom for 3 days and 18/24 of my fish died.... The tank had substrate that was in an established tank and a plants. I did however change the HOB filter to a sponge which is my guess on why the bacteria bloom happened. The left over food causes ammonia to spike and since there was a new filter there wasnt benefical bacteria? I have 6 pygmy corys left and plan to let the tank do its thing for a month or so and then start adding in cherry shrimp and snails first. Then later on some emearld eye rasboras and cpds again.
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