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Boiling driftwood


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I boiled a pot of water and poured it over the wood in a plastic tote. Than I boiled another pot and pored it over the wood too. I did that until the wood was submerged. Left it for 24 hours like that because I had to work, but a couple hours should be enough. 
But I didn’t do that to leach out the tannins, I did it to disinfect the wood. I want the tannins in my tanks.

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On 11/11/2022 at 3:12 PM, Janoš Bećar Pecaroš said:

I boiled a pot of water and poured it over the wood in a plastic tote. Than I boiled another pot and pored it over the wood too. I did that until the wood was submerged. Left it for 24 hours like that because I had to work, but a couple hours should be enough. 
But I didn’t do that to leach out the tannins, I did it to disinfect the wood. I want the tannins in my tanks.

Thanks for the tips... I am trying to leech tannins, make it sink, and disinfect. I wonder if there is a place I could go that could boil large items like that.

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Where did you get your driftwood from? If it's from a fish store it's probably safe anyways. Hot water could still be used to leech out the tannins or make it sink. Even hot tub water would still help to open up the pores to waterlog it faster, as well as leech out tannins. 

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This piece was too big for any pot I had... so I had to put it in a tote in the bathtub... I just used as hot of water as my tap would create and changed the water every day for 2 weeks. I finally got tired of waiting for the tannins to leach and set up the tank... it turned brown still.... but since I was going to cycle it for an additional month I didn't care. It eventually sorted itself out.


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The last bits of wood I picked up (bog wood)  I just threw in a bucket and left it in the sun for a few weeks outside while out for rid of its shop grot and leeched  it's worst tannins away. I didn't boil it just do what is practical for the piece you have. A good presoak is important just so you know what your dealing with tannins wise if you throw it in a bucket and it goes dark quickly your know it going to need a long soak sometimes you can get away with a short soak one end at a time 

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