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Fish breathing heavy


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This morning I noticed some of my fish were breathing heavy. I tested water and I had a little bit of nitrates/nitrites (25 and 1-2) and the rest of my parameters are all the same as normal. Gh 250, kh 0, chlorine 0, ammonia 0, ph 6.4

I did a 50% water change and tested again and had 0 nitrate/nitrite. That was about 8 hours ago. The heavy breathing has gotten worse affecting all of my fish (cichlids, barbs, a pleco and a striped Raphael cat) except for my bichir who looks and acts completely fine. One of the fish that looks the worse has red gills now too.

I did another water test just now, still showing 0’s. I’m wondering g if it’s maybe low oxygen, since the bichir is not affected, but I’m not sure how that would suddenly happen, and I am running air and a spray bar. Any thoughts? I just add salt seeing if that will help.

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@Colu I did add salt right away and @nabokovfan87 I am running air. Most of the fish look completely fine today, some of the ones that were doing the worst still have off color but are breathing good and gills look good. Water is consistently testing with 0 nitrites. The only thing left now is the algae bloom it gave me, which honestly may have helped with the nitrites.

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