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I'm considering adding another species of fish to my 29 gallon. Originally I was considering threadfin rainbows, and still am, but I started thinking about different tetras too. I would like some input. If I go with tetras I might pick species around what color would look best. I suppose rasboras would work too. I always forget them. 

So would you go threadfin?  Tetra?  Rasbora?

What color do you think might be good? 

Current stocking:  powdered blue gourami, male guppies (1 yellow, a few red dragons, 1 kinda flame tail mutt, plan to add galaxy blue tanks and possibly blue dragons in the future), panda cories, otos, kuhli loaches, mystery snails. 

I know I should stay away from the larger tetra species because of tank size. I'm not so good at estimating size. If someone could tell me maybe max fish size I should be going for that would help to. I tend to think 2 inches and smaller but I wanna be sure. 


Edited by Cinnebuns
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Aquahuna has the black emperor tetras with these really nice green / blue eyes.  I also am partial to the green neons or the green rasbora (never had them available locally, any of those).

In terms of the tank, chili rasbora would pop really well, so would the more green Sundadanio axelrodi or the variety of tetras depending on what colors you enjoy.

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On 11/1/2022 at 10:09 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

WCMM are my favorites. I’ve recently been seeing those new “brilliant white neon tetras” and I might say they look good.

I had plans to do a WCMM and medaka tank at one point that never happened. I think they need temperate water tho 

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