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HELPP with betta!!


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hello this is my betta fish augustus i really need HELP!i think he has fin rot and its progressively getting worse i’ve been using fritz maracyn only half a packet for my 6.6 gallon tank, i also use a little less than a teaspoon of ich-x , he has a heater and a small sponge filter. He still has an appetite, my water  Parameters are 7.6 pH, ammonia 0 ppm, Nitrite 0 ppm and nitrate 10 ppm. I’m only 15 so I apolgize if i’m doing anything wrong I just really wanna help my betta and its upsetting seeing him get worse.

if anyone has any advice or let me know if i’m doing anything wrong please let me know thank you




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Hi @Amberss, welcome to the forum, sorry you're having trouble with your Betta, it's not uncommon unfortunately for these very long finned beauties to have issues- despite info out there they are NOT easy fish to keep. 

First, if I were in your shoes I might do a water change, your parameters are good but you never know- good clean exchanged water is always helpful- and I would personally change some water every couple of days until he is better.. Then I would treat my tank with Aquarium Salt. If you can get a hold of any Indian Almond Leaf I would get some and brew a "tea" with it (I boil mine in water, let cool, then treat with dechlorinator/conditoner, but putting a leaf in the tank is totally fine too)

If the Maracyn doesn't seem to be helping (you didn't indicate how long you've been treating with it) I would try a different med- Maracyn 2 OR my personal preference is Seachem's Kanaplex. 

I would check your fish for tears in his fins- and your tank for places where he could rip or hurt them- remove any sharp edges from his tank- an injury to a fin can start a long domino effect of injury, rot and illness. Bacteria tends to grow in warmer environments- but our Betta REQUIRE warm environments to thrive and breath- so the Salt and Indian Almond Leaf (Catappa) will keep the bacteria at bay. 

I would check the temperature too- do you have a reliable way of doing this? 

I would also stop the Ich X

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 11/1/2022 at 3:38 PM, Amberss said:

hello this is my betta fish augustus i really need HELP!i think he has fin rot and its progressively getting worse i’ve been using fritz maracyn only half a packet for my 6.6 gallon tank, i also use a little less than a teaspoon of ich-x , he has a heater and a small sponge filter. He still has an appetite, my water  Parameters are 7.6 pH, ammonia 0 ppm, Nitrite 0 ppm and nitrate 10 ppm. I’m only 15 so I apolgize if i’m doing anything wrong I just really wanna help my betta and its upsetting seeing him get worse.

if anyone has any advice or let me know if i’m doing anything wrong please let me know thank you




hey, im 15 too and im going though a similar issue in my 20 gallon. first of all congrats on having such a beautiful betta fish, you clearly are doing something right.

the parameters seem to be fine , almost identical to my 10 gallon.

just 2 questions, how long have you had it and what is the aquarium heated to?


also if there are signifcant tears it could be that it broke by scratching or even biting itself! which they do do.


also i would look to ehating the tank around 23 to 26 degrees celcius. if your not already

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