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Chemi-pure green???

glenn anthony

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Well thanks for the reply, only thing i've used was purigen, when i came across the chemi-pure green, mt first thought was.....wait did the say activated carbom.

most things ive researched, or learned from corey, is that you really should not use carbon in a planted because it will absorb most of the liquid ferts. But after some more research found out supposedly the carbon/resin mix they use is plant safe and not absorb plant hutrients, just looking to see if anyone had used it, because i may try some (if you say it lowered your PH i guess i need to watch that mainly do to having a low KH so not much of a buffer PH is about 6.8-7.2

well thanks for the info


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the thing with carbon is, it will absorb things for a few days. after that, it is full and cant absorb anymore. so when using carbon or anything with carbon, wait a few days before adding ferts.  carbon acts very much like a sponge, once it is full, it can no longer absorb anything. the whole carbon thing is blown way out of proportion to what it really is. use it, dont use it. doesnt overly matter. if you choose to use it, just work with it, and dont fight it.

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Yeah, thats why i was curious about the chemi-pure green, and right in its description: states in so many words good for the panted aquarium, was basically trying to find out how it compares to purigen, which i have used. so guess i was worried  about the carbon stealing the plants nutrients.


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I use it in all of large tanks for years to guard against ammonia spikes.  Also to keep tannins down with the wood.  They are all planted I like it because it is a safety net to establish planted tanks and fish.  They last much longer than advertised for me and I also buy them in bulk packages on from an online seller.  Big fan.

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yeah i finally ordered some of the nano packets, 5 per bag im gonna try it in my 20 long.

THANKS for the info...now i cant wait to try it,   (have seachem/sicce tidal HOB guessing ill place it on top or under filter floss) thats the same place i put purigen if i am using it. Oh and yeah i could do with some tannin removal, love the heavy weight of mopami wood sink right down to bottom, but agter boiling 3 times the mopami is still leaching out tannins ( do use cattapa leaves 1-2 in my 2 betta tanks but with that amount see no difference in water color

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