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Honest opinions, is this overstocked?


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Honesty, they aren't as fragile as people make them out to be, at least not the CRS I have (maybe I'm lucky? Maybe crystals are more hardy?).

Hate to admit this, but I moved them with zero acclimation from a Ph of 3.2 and a TDS well into the 200s, to a Ph of 6.6 and a TDS of 140, and didn't lose a single shrimp. (A few brave and pioneering souls tested the transition for a few days before I moved their brethren). 

I've also these shrimp wind up in other tanks (my guess is riding in on a plant or net) that are like 80 degrees with TDS well into the 300s, and they have been in there ever since. They don't breed in there, but the few hitchhikers have lived in those waters for over a year now.

On the other hand, they did start dying off once the Ph totally bottomed out into the low 3s. I should have noticed something was up when they stopped breeding. (Notice there are no babies in my picture!).

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On 10/19/2022 at 12:55 PM, tolstoy21 said:


Not a joke... but a serious comment about "overstocking" and such.  I think you just need a lot more surface area for them.  Wood, something like ghostwood or mopani would be great, especially with moss glued to it for them to hang out with.  Barring that... about 50+ moss balls would be epic.

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On 10/19/2022 at 4:40 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Not a joke... but a serious comment about "overstocking" and such.  I think you just need a lot more surface area for them.  Wood, something like ghostwood or mopani would be great, especially with moss glued to it for them to hang out with.  Barring that... about 50+ moss balls would be epic.

Oh this is just a temporary situation. They have a much larger tank with driftwood, lava rock, botanicals, etc.

I just had to clean it out and now have to set it back up. Hopefully they will be back in their home by tomorrow evening. I know there is no realistic way to keep this quantity of shrimp in a 10 gallon for any stretch of time.

I think what happened, if I were to speculate, is that the matten filter I used had too small of a PPI and, after a year and a half of use, it hit critical mass and started tanking the water quality. Once I saw more than a few deaths, I knew something was up.

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On 10/19/2022 at 2:31 PM, tolstoy21 said:

I think what happened, if I were to speculate, is that the matten filter I used had too small of a PPI and, after a year and a half of use, it hit critical mass and started tanking the water quality. Once I saw more than a few deaths, I knew something was up.

That is unfortunate!  Is the setup a situation where you can have two of them, swap them weekly or bi-weekly?  I guess in my head I picture putting a new matten behind the old one, and then pulling out the dirty one to clean it?  I would love to have a matten style tank for some low flow fish.  One day!

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On 10/19/2022 at 5:34 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

That is unfortunate!  Is the setup a situation where you can have two of them, swap them weekly or bi-weekly?  I guess in my head I picture putting a new matten behind the old one, and then pulling out the dirty one to clean it?  I would love to have a matten style tank for some low flow fish.  One day!

I'm just going to use a very large sponge filter so I can take it out and wring it out in a bucket. That is what I used to do, but I liked the idea of a matten filter because it provided a lot of space for grazing, etc. 

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On 10/19/2022 at 2:36 PM, tolstoy21 said:

I'm just going to use a very large sponge filter so I can take it out and wring it out in a bucket. That is what I used to do, but I liked the idea of a matten filter because it provided a lot of space for grazing, etc. 

yeah exactly.  Get a gang valve and a few of them if you wish.  I tend to lean towards the moss / flat surface for shrimp.  Mopani they seem to love, ghostwood, and malaysian driftwood too.

I don't know if you do videos or anything, maybe a journal thread. but I think we'd all love to see and benefit from seeing your fish room!

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@nabokovfan87 Once the fishroom is complete, I'll def share more pictures, and perhaps upload a video and link it here. 

I've had this colony of shrimp going for maybe 4 or 5 years now.  They've been one of my favorite tanks. I'm seriously considering getting a 50 lowboy for them.

I just started selectively breeding SSS grade shrimp from this colony. I don't have a ton of those yet, and it will be a while before they breed more true.  But if I have time later, I'll upload a few pics of those.


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On 10/19/2022 at 2:53 PM, tolstoy21 said:

I've had this colony of shrimp going for maybe 4 or 5 years now.  They've been one of my favorite tanks. I'm seriously considering getting a 50 lowboy for them.

I think a 50 lowboy is like.... 10" tall?  There was one I found that was a 60G Lowboy, not crazy in terms of size or anything but it gives you a full 12" height.  Might be an awesome centerpiece for our column in a peninsula type of setup.  No joke.... that's my dream tank, to have something like that for a massive home of corydoras.  12" tall and as big as humanly possible that would fit.

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On 10/19/2022 at 6:36 PM, PerceptivePesce said:

Oh. My. Shrimp. There's so many! 🥰

Are those cardinia or neos?

Caridina. Crystal Reds to be exact.

These were my first foray into shrimp some years back (4? 5?). The only other shrimp I have are Orange Rilis. 

I have to say I am more partial to caridina shrimp. I don't think I'll keep any more neocaridina. But I have had my eye on a bunch or other caridina species-- shadow pandas, extreme blue bolts, galaxies, etc. But I have had yet to have the time or tank space for any.

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these are beautiful! I want to try caradinas at some point. Our water is perfect for neos and we enjoy them.

I did a plant trimming session a couple of weeks ago, got busy and left the trimmings in my water change bucket - for two weeks. Went to empty it out the other day and there was a happy little blue dream just chillin out in the plant scraps. He got relocated to my walstad drink dispenser setup. Glad he didn't end up in the potted plants!

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