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I've had these rosy red minnows for over a year. One has suddenly started showing signs of illness or parasites, not sure what. Anyone have any ideas? I'm at a loss.

Ph. 7.6.                                                  Hardness unknown (our water is really hard here)                                            Ammonia. 0.                                                      Nitrite. 0.                                                            Nitrate  80 (did a 30% water change)            buffer unknown.                                                 Temp 72

Thanks for your help.



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What are the symptoms? Can you upload more photos or link a video form a YouTube post?

When in doubt, do a 30% water change.

Use new, fresh foods only. Old food can cause problems.

If your problem is external, the issue is often bacterial or fungal. Some parasites are external, but generally if the problem is internal, the issue may be parasitic. Careful use of Aquarium Salt has been known to revive some fish.

If you have a prepared quarantine tank, now is a good time to use it. Otherwise, you are up against treating fish in an aquarium.



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To give more information.  I did a 30% water change, they get fresh food every month, they are fed frozen brine shrimp once a week. There are 6 rosey red minnows and 1 blue gouriami in a 29 gallon tank. They are all very active and eating well. There is a piece of ash wood from the back yard, an inch plant, and pothos in the tank. It does have alot of hair algea, ( that I keep cleaned out as much as possible). Any thoughts at all? 

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If your referencing to the Bent tail  high levels of nitrate can cause skeletal deformity in the later stages of nitrate poisoning I would increase water changes add some aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallon that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes ideally you should aim to have your nitrates below 40ppm I would add some  floating plants such as water lettuce Amazonian frogbit to help keep your nitrates in check

Edited by Colu
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I agree with Colu on that if he's just now starting to develop signs of spinal deformation. Are you sure he's just now starting to show signs of spinal deformment? I've had several fish who were just born like that and it got worse over time. Scoliosis?

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On 10/13/2022 at 2:17 PM, Hally M. said:

I agree with Colu on that if he's just now starting to develop signs of spinal deformation. Are you sure he's just now starting to show signs of spinal deformment? I've had several fish who were just born like that and it got worse over time. Scoliosis?

This is definitely a new development. I added salt to my aquarium today. We'll see what happens. 

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