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New betta planted tank/Journal

Lauren A

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This is a newly set up - 6 weeks running.  I did a fishless cycle with plants using media from a mature tank as well as various hardscape from a previous tank.  I ran two filters, an old HOB with a new corner filter for about a month and it was safe to remove the HOB about two weeks ago.  All my parameters are in check.  No more concerns about Ecoli (a previous post of mine) or wacky Gh fluctuations (another previous post)   

I just added my Galaxy Koi Betta, Jasper aka Jazzy, two days ago and he is having so much fun exploring his new territory.  His only tank mates are 3 horned nerite snails.  They were added about 3 weeks ago.  And some limpets and springtails.  I can not avoid them in any of my tanks.  It’s all good, Jasper pulls the limpets off the glass and rocks for a nice snack!  

I’m very happy with my plants response.  Some of the newer plants, especially Crypts, went through an transitional process from emersed to submerged form.  They did great!  I have Crypy Spiralis, Val’s and Crypt Retrospiralis with a couple stems in the back left side.  They are slowly making their way up and will really fill in that back corner.  

The plants I chose to use are:

Red Flame Sword

Hygro Polysperma 

Crinum Calistrinum

Crypt Wendtii, Spiralis, Retrospiralis, Maybe a lonely Balansae,  

Red Tiger Lotus (floating)

Anacharis (floating and planted)

Banana Plant (has a mind of its own) 🤷‍♀️ 


Water Sprite (floating)

Guppy Grass (floating)



Sagittaria Subulata


Salvinia, Frogbit, Dwarf Water Lettuce (almost forgot these 

I think that’s about it!  I didn’t go all crazy with fancy aquascaping techniques with the path.  I like the messy look leading to his coconut.  I also don’t have the patience!  You can’t really see the mopani wood in the back right and center (there’s a little bridge over the path toward the back).  Bettas love dark hideaways . A friend and betta keeper/breeder once told me that if you can always see your betta you need more plants!  I also use Indian Almond Leaves.  

Thanks for checking this out!  I 15873DA2-0B6D-4F42-B373-092C82CF93B3.png.d23b541bc6c20c6218f4805833d6684b.pngplan to update pics as time goes on.  

A few more  cute pics of Jasper in his coconut and taking a bubble bath - besides surfing the filter he also loves a nice bubble bath.  So cute! BCD750E3-1B9E-4C35-91ED-6671D0E21C4D.png.88ed8b988801108873e065d82ff10240.png519F409B-2691-47AF-ABD7-6267555F5E1A.jpeg.cbd9456a0baa707a8250ed4886b9a60f.jpeg 








Edited by Lauren A
More pics and forgot some plants
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On 10/1/2022 at 6:58 PM, Lauren A said:

This is a newly set up - 6 weeks running.  I did a fishless cycle with plants using media from a mature tank as well as various hardscape from a previous tank.  I ran two filters, an old HOB with a new corner filter for about a month and it was safe to remove the HOB about two weeks ago.  All my parameters are in check.  No more concerns about Ecoli (a previous post of mine) or wacky Gh fluctuations (another previous post)   

I just added my Galaxy Koi Betta, Jasper aka Jazzy, two days ago and he is having so much fun exploring his new territory.  His only tank mates are 3 horned nerite snails.  They were added about 3 weeks ago.  And some limpets and springtails.  I can not avoid them in any of my tanks.  It’s all good, Jasper pulls the limpets off the glass and rocks for a nice snack!  

I’m very happy with my plants response.  Some of the newer plants, especially Crypts, went through an transitional process from emersed to submerged form.  They did great!  I have Crypy Spiralis, Val’s and Crypt Retrospiralis with a couple stems in the back left side.  They are slowly making their way up and will really fill in that back corner.  

The plants I chose to use are:

Red Flame Sword

Hygro Polysperma 

Crinum Calistrinum

Crypt Wendtii, Spiralis, Retrospiralis, Maybe a lonely Balansae,  

Red Tiger Lotus (floating)

Anacharis (floating and planted)

Banana Plant (has a mind of its own) 🤷‍♀️ 


Water Sprite (floating)

Guppy Grass (floating)



Sagittaria Subulata


Salvinia, Frogbit, Dwarf Water Lettuce (almost forgot these 

I think that’s about it!  I didn’t go all crazy with fancy aquascaping techniques with the path.  I like the messy look leading to his coconut.  I also don’t have the patience!  You can’t really see the mopani wood in the back right and center (there’s a little bridge over the path toward the back).  Bettas love dark hideaways . A friend and betta keeper/breeder once told me that if you can always see your betta you need more plants!  I also use Indian Almond Leaves.  

Thanks for checking this out!  I 15873DA2-0B6D-4F42-B373-092C82CF93B3.png.d23b541bc6c20c6218f4805833d6684b.pngplan to update pics as time goes on.  

A few more  cute pics of Jasper in his coconut and taking a bubble bath - besides surfing the filter he also loves a nice bubble bath.  So cute! BCD750E3-1B9E-4C35-91ED-6671D0E21C4D.png.88ed8b988801108873e065d82ff10240.png519F409B-2691-47AF-ABD7-6267555F5E1A.jpeg.cbd9456a0baa707a8250ed4886b9a60f.jpeg 








Good Luck with keeping your banana plant alive; nice floating coconut!

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On 10/3/2022 at 12:00 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Good Luck with keeping your banana plant alive; nice floating coconut!

Haha!  Thank you!  I have had bad luck with them in the past so I know what you mean.  We’ll see!  For now it looks good,  thanks for checking my tank out!  Oh and I got the coconut on Etsy.  It’s really nice quality.  The tank you have pictured here is beautiful!  😍

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On 10/3/2022 at 12:06 PM, Patrick_G said:

I love that you’ve packed so many different plants in there. I count 19, maybe 20 plants! I think that’s a recipe for success, and the Betta will definitely love it. 

Thank you!  The crypt Retrospiralis is a little iffy.  I planted them more recently and  I wasn’t crazy about the quality of them when my order came in, but we’ll see.  The regular Spiralis looks good.  So, there’s room for some failure. I figure the more plants the merrier!  I have a bit of an obsession.  😆 !  

I’m starting another betta tank soon - a 7 gallon cube for my little female runt.   That will be fun and different.  I need to start looking around for some inspirational photos of other tanks.  I’m always open for ideas and suggestions!  

Thank you so much for checking it out!  

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On 10/3/2022 at 9:19 AM, Lauren A said:

I’m starting another betta tank soon - a 7 gallon cube for my little female runt.   That will be fun and different.  I need to start looking around for some inspirational photos of other tanks.  I’m always open for ideas and suggestions!  

Thank you so much for checking it out!  

I love small cubes. Do you have a general idea for your layout? 
I like this one I found on Pinterest.


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On 10/3/2022 at 12:46 PM, Patrick_G said:

I love small cubes. Do you have a general idea for your layout? 
I like this one I found on Pinterest.


I LOVE this tank!  It is gorgeous!  The Bucephalandra in the center with the bud is amazing.  I’m a huge buce fan.  I’d do an entire tank with them.  Do you happen to know if that is a crypt in the right corner.  It looks similar to Crypt Willisi.  I have some plantlets I saved when I took down my last tank.  This plants looks more robust and I really love it - curious what it is.  

I just received a Crypt Jacobsenii I ordered.  It’s in emersed form so it’ll have to go through it’s transition.  I’m really hoping it does well.  Im thinking lots of crypts and buce in this tank.  I do need to figure out tall easy/moderate care plants that I’d like to use.  I need lots of height.  I also need to decide on hardscape.  I’d like to do a large center stone that’s betta safe.  I have a tank with all pagoda so I don’t want to use them, although beautiful.  And I don’t want to use river rocks either.  I’m open to suggestions!  On anything!  

 Thank you for sending this!  I’m super inspired!

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On 10/3/2022 at 12:56 PM, dangerflower said:

This is such a pretty tank! I love the rule about not being able to see your betta all the time -- mine loves to disappear into his plants! I think I have that same coconut cave 😁

So funny!  I can’t see Jasper half the time I look in, which I’m happy about, but he’s being a bit of a trouble maker.  He someone managed to wiggle himself and get stuck in the between the corner of the corner filter and glass.  I had foam sponges cut blocking both ends but he still figured out a way to shimmy himself in.  He gave me a big panic.  I’ve got it lined in foam now so I’m hoping this does the trick.  

Anyway, my point being that I’m relieved when I see him in the coconut!  At least I know he’s safe.  I hope this is the end of the antics.  I know it gave him a little scare.  And me a huge one.  😱 😥 

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On 10/3/2022 at 12:56 PM, dangerflower said:

This is such a pretty tank! I love the rule about not being able to see your betta all the time -- mine loves to disappear into his plants! I think I have that same coconut cave 😁

Thank you very much, too!  🙏I hope it gets even prettier as time goes on.

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On 10/5/2022 at 12:59 PM, Lauren A said:

Do you happen to know if that is a crypt in the right corner.  It looks similar to Crypt Willisi.  I have some plantlets I saved when I took down my last tank.  This plants looks more robust and I really love it - curious what it is. 

I’m not sure if that’s a Crypt Willisi or another type. I might even be a small sword? 🤔

That tank is deceptively simple looking. There’s a lot going on plant wise and the layout with that stump looking piece of wood is really cool. It sort of breaks all the rules of layout but still looks great. 



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On 10/5/2022 at 5:16 PM, Patrick_G said:

I’m not sure if that’s a Crypt Willisi or another type. I might even be a small sword? 🤔

That tank is deceptively simple looking. There’s a lot going on plant wise and the layout with that stump looking piece of wood is really cool. It sort of breaks all the rules of layout but still looks great. 



My Microdevario Kubotai tank has a stump shooting out of the top like this.  It never appears as cool in photos as it is in person, but I love that look.  

I wonder if it’s a micro sword?  I’m also curious on those tall plants on the left side with the black stems?  Yes, this tank looks awesome.  It’s a beautiful piece art and happy home to some lucky fish!  




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On 10/7/2022 at 12:45 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Yes @Lauren A that's my Bolivian Ram "Punk" he lives in my "Angry Man" tank but that picture was taken when he was nervous and shy in QT after I got him from another fish keeper who was breaking down his tank. He is adorable! Kind of like a giant Betta! 🙂 

I love him - he’s so adorable.  Those innocent eyes.   I really like your variety of plants too - I’ll have to look some of them up.  


Do Rams do perfectly well alone, without more of them, like a betta does?  I’m going to do some research on them.    I have to say he’s the most innocent looking punk I’ve ever seen 🥰.  And great names for your tanks.  This new tank is named The Mani and my other 10 gallon with the Kubotai is named Bora Bora.  The one I recently took down was The Jungle.  A friend of mine is my tank namer - she’s very good at in IMO.  It’s nice to get someone else’s perspective on what they see!  


I notice you had a bladder snail explosion.  This is one of my Bora Bora challenges.  I have pond snails that made their way in months ago and they nibble at my floaters and I noticed a couple of my buce had some nibbles so I’m not very happy with them.  Luckily they sort of show up and die off just as quick.  As long as my horned nerites stay fat, it’s all good, but ideally it would be nice to get rid of them completely.  The poop gets a bit out of hand sometimes.  My biggest issue now is preventing eggs from transferring to my other tank as I move plants around.  Oh well!  We’ll see what happens!  

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Punk is my first Cichlid but in observing him I have to say I think it's best to only have one unless you're trying to breed. Especially in my case since he's in a 20 tall there is not a whole lot of "turf" for him to claim. They say they are peaceful and I'd say yes for the most part but they are territorial- he'll chase off my rasboras and/or neons when they offend him- but I've never seen him nip anyone. If I had a bigger/longer tank I'd only consider getting more again if I were breeding but also if I could do enough line of sight breaks in the tank and satisfy their territory needs. Otherwise a solo Bolivian is a joy to have IMO. 

I keep mostly easy plants because I don't fertilize or do anything fancy. Most all my plants are easily found, and nearly all of them are easy to propagate and "make more". 

I have quite a few bladders but while they used to bother me they don't much anymore. I tend to overfeed that tank since Punk moved in- it's something I'm learning to adjust and the population will go down again. In the meantime they keep the tank sparkling and the nerites do fine so I'm not super concerned. You're right though- they can get quite out of control!

I like it when people name their tanks- for me I've done it because it's easier to refer to them when talking to other people- not as boring to me as "my tetra tank"- not that there's anything wrong with that. 

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On 10/7/2022 at 2:45 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Punk is my first Cichlid but in observing him I have to say I think it's best to only have one unless you're trying to breed. Especially in my case since he's in a 20 tall there is not a whole lot of "turf" for him to claim. They say they are peaceful and I'd say yes for the most part but they are territorial- he'll chase off my rasboras and/or neons when they offend him- but I've never seen him nip anyone. If I had a bigger/longer tank I'd only consider getting more again if I were breeding but also if I could do enough line of sight breaks in the tank and satisfy their territory needs. Otherwise a solo Bolivian is a joy to have IMO. 

I keep mostly easy plants because I don't fertilize or do anything fancy. Most all my plants are easily found, and nearly all of them are easy to propagate and "make more". 

I have quite a few bladders but while they used to bother me they don't much anymore. I tend to overfeed that tank since Punk moved in- it's something I'm learning to adjust and the population will go down again. In the meantime they keep the tank sparkling and the nerites do fine so I'm not super concerned. You're right though- they can get quite out of control!

I like it when people name their tanks- for me I've done it because it's easier to refer to them when talking to other people- not as boring to me as "my tetra tank"- not that there's anything wrong with that. 


I totally hear you on naming them.  I got tired of calling them the “new tank” or “old tank” - it was getting very generic and confusing for even me!  Plus naming them gives them even more charm IMO.

I always heard cichlids were fun to have.  I really think Punk is so adorable.  He sounds similar to a betta preferring to be solo.  I was chatting with a friend of mine from Germany about how cute Punk is and she told me Rams are German breed. I thought that was pretty interesting.


I definitely think I overfeed my Kubotai.  I try not to and when I don’t feed as much, the snails do seem to die off.  I’m almost certain that’s what causes them to multiply.  I need to ease up a bit.  I saw so many babies last time I cleaned the tank they’re in.  But like you said, they keep the tank clean.  I’d prefer they don’t nibble on my Buce and focus on nibbling the floaters instead 😆. I don’t think bladder snails eat live plants, so I’d rather them, but it’s ok.  And same here, as long as my nerites are fat, it’s all good.  

Is there any particular reason you don’t use ferts?  

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Yea, Punk is super fun- I love the little guy- I'm glad I have him- has made that tank so much more interesting. I had done a whole lot of research and didn't pull the trigger until I saw a post on a local forum where the guy was selling his. I guess that's sometimes the only motivation you need- someone needs a home. 🙂 

I'm not sure your friend is entirely correct, my understanding is they come from the Amazon River Basin (hence Bolivian Ram). I thought maybe your friend meant German Blue Rams but I googled that and it says South America. Maybe they can clarify for us. 🙂 

Well that's the tough part of having any Cory or in my case Otos- they are bottom feeders and often eat when they please- this leaves room for the bladders to encroach. I'm glad I have nothing but Nerites in my Oto tank! It's got to be a delicate balance for you!!

On 10/11/2022 at 12:38 PM, Lauren A said:

Is there any particular reason you don’t use ferts?  

Well. Mostly because I was very interested in low tech tanks- tanks with no need for heaters, self sustaining really- thoughh I do use sponge and HOB filters with lights. I didn't want to have to worry about my tanks if say I went broke and couldn't afford certain things, or had to go away for some time and the tank is super used to something higher tech or chemicals that needed to be added on the regular- this is also why I didn't do saltwater. This does limit me some when it comes to plants and some species of fish- but honestly I could probably go weeks without touching my tanks, other than feeding even occassionally) and they'd be fine! 

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On 10/11/2022 at 4:45 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Yea, Punk is super fun- I love the little guy- I'm glad I have him- has made that tank so much more interesting. I had done a whole lot of research and didn't pull the trigger until I saw a post on a local forum where the guy was selling his. I guess that's sometimes the only motivation you need- someone needs a home. 🙂 

I'm not sure your friend is entirely correct, my understanding is they come from the Amazon River Basin (hence Bolivian Ram). I thought maybe your friend meant German Blue Rams but I googled that and it says South America. Maybe they can clarify for us. 🙂 

Well that's the tough part of having any Cory or in my case Otos- they are bottom feeders and often eat when they please- this leaves room for the bladders to encroach. I'm glad I have nothing but Nerites in my Oto tank! It's got to be a delicate balance for you!!

Well. Mostly because I was very interested in low tech tanks- tanks with no need for heaters, self sustaining really- thoughh I do use sponge and HOB filters with lights. I didn't want to have to worry about my tanks if say I went broke and couldn't afford certain things, or had to go away for some time and the tank is super used to something higher tech or chemicals that needed to be added on the regular- this is also why I didn't do saltwater. This does limit me some when it comes to plants and some species of fish- but honestly I could probably go weeks without touching my tanks, other than feeding even occassionally) and they'd be fine! 

Hi, so my friend got back to me and after more research, she said that the Ram does not originate from Germany but from Columbia and Venezuela.  She looked into it and it was thought that they originated in Bolivia for many years but that was not right - there is a similar looking species there though.   So, I was totally wrong and she said the same!  But it’s very interesting now.  Curious on your thoughts?   

I absolutely understand and think it’s so great you were able to give Punk a new home!  It’s funny how things happen and work out so nicely.  Plus, how hard would it be to say no to that cute little face!  When I bought Penny (my lil CT female runt - I think she’s a runt) I had no intention of buying a betta.  I still had Jasper in a QT (he’s in the Mani now) so I was not prepared, but I have a few spare 2.5 and 3 gallon tanks, she looked so scared and SOO teeny that I just couldn’t walk away from her.  I could not be happier I bought her now!  She is the cutest lil girl with the biggest personality.  She’ll go in the 7 gallon.  She’s still not even 3 cm’s so at least there’s not a huge rush to move her.  She’s perfectly comfy and her 3 gallon is more than enough space for her.  

That makes perfect sense with your tanks too.  Traveling is not as easy to plan. I’m so particular about things too, I worry about leaving the tanks in inexperienced hands for too long.  So keeping it simpler is smart.  Plus everything in life in general has gotten so much more expensive, it adds up so much quicker.

I think saltwater tanks are SO amazing.  It’s only a dream for me though.  It’s just too expensive. 

My goal is to keep my fish happy first.  And of course my plants too but as long as the fish are healthy and have enough hiding spots and optimal water conditions, that’s all I can ask for. 

I hope I didn’t start a controversy with the Bolivian Ram subject!  I obviously have no clue!  


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On 10/14/2022 at 8:22 AM, Lauren A said:

hope I didn’t start a controversy with the Bolivian Ram subject!  I obviously have no clue!  

Nah- totally easy to get different information- about this hobby especially- so no worries there. This is why forums like this are nice, no judgement and lots of knowledge base! It's hard to even think a lot of these fish even come from somewhere else on the planet anyway- as most everything we get has been raised in a tank- so how far removed are they from the original species?! It's like Betta fish- the ones we keep are nothing like the wild ones (unless we're keeping a wild species of course).


On 10/14/2022 at 8:22 AM, Lauren A said:

think saltwater tanks are SO amazing.  It’s only a dream for me though.  It’s just too expensive. 

Me too friend, they also look a bit trickier when it comes to water chemistry!


On 10/14/2022 at 8:22 AM, Lauren A said:

I absolutely understand and think it’s so great you were able to give Punk a new home!  It’s funny how things happen and work out so nicely.  Plus, how hard would it be to say no to that cute little face!  When I bought Penny (my lil CT female runt - I think she’s a runt) I had no intention of buying a betta.  I still had Jasper in a QT (he’s in the Mani now) so I was not prepared, but I have a few spare 2.5 and 3 gallon tanks, she looked so scared and SOO teeny that I just couldn’t walk away from her.  I could not be happier I bought her now!  She is the cutest lil girl with the biggest personality.  She’ll go in the 7 gallon.  She’s still not even 3 cm’s so at least there’s not a huge rush to move her.  She’s perfectly comfy and her 3 gallon is more than enough space for her.  

Sometimes we don't plan things and then we end up with fish we didn't expect to have- but funnily enough they are always one of our biggest fish keeping joys! 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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