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After 50 years in the hobby there is still excitement !

Golden Rams

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I delivered some fish to a local fish fish store and on my way out I noticed a 3 foot 12 gallon bookcase aquarium. It caught my eye, so I made the purchase. When I got home the Mrs. said "what another one", "what are you going to do with it". Ah, the question you cant answer. I did a little thinking and came up with the idea of the far end of the kitchen table(a very large table). I set it up with water, lights and heater. Most of my tanks are bare bottom. By chance a friend of mine called to chat and I told him about the tank. He said why not give Neolamprogus Multifasciatus a try. He told me the particulars of the species and said he would send me six. I have never keep Africans before so off to the bookcase to find some info.

I went and bought some crushed coral, cichlid mix, snail shells(48) and gray rock with white striations( I forgot the name). Set it all up and had the fish sent. What a delightful bunch of characters they are. Never hid, always playing and darting in and out of shells. Now, we sit at the kitchen table just to watch the fish. Better than anything on TV. Give them a try you wont be disappointed.   

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  • 5 weeks later...

@Golden Rams Hypothetically, if I ever had to dwindle down to 1 aquarium, I’d keep Multies. They are extremely entertaining. I kept them years ago in a 75, however currently I have a colony in a 40B. They have a way of keeping your attention that is pretty remarkable. You may have heard @Cory say that watching them transport a Malaysian Trumpet Snail to a different side of the aquarium makes it look like they’re playing the trumpet. I’ve seen it a bunch of times and that’s why it’s called the jazz tank. Love, love, love this species. Good luck to you and enjoy the heck out of them. 

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On 10/17/2022 at 9:02 AM, meadeam said:

Multies are absolutely on my short list of fish to keep.  I'm tempted to start in a 10g because that is what I have available, but I imagine a huge colony in a much larger tank would be awesome.  

Agreed.  I think it's so hard to find some of those unique size tanks.  12" tall, and at various lengths.  I'd love to randomly find a 30 long or 60L in my local big box store but you're often stuck with 2-3 tank sizes.

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