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Modified lung member interview

Odd Duck

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@modified lungYou’re being interviewed!


1.) Favourite fish?

2.) Least favourite fish?

3.) Favourite fish YouTuber?

4.) Favourite non-fish YouTuber?

5.) Favourite food?

6.) What fish would you like to be the most?

7.) What was your scariest moment?

8.) What country do you want to visit the most?

9.) Cats or dogs?

10) Describe yourself in 3 words.

11) Pancakes or Waffles?

12) What is your favorite song?

13) What do you dislike most about the aquarium hobby, and why?

14) What is your favorite TV show?

15) What is your greatest fear?

16) What is or was your favorite subject in school, and why?

17) Do you keep live aquarium plants? If so, what types?

18) Do you love or hate pest snails?

19) Do you enjoy gardening?

20) What do you love most about the aquarium hobby?

21) What was the biggest mistake you've made so far in the hobby, and what has it taught you?

22) Burgers or Pizza?

23) What is your favorite aquatic animal?

24) What is your dream tank or something you want to accomplish in this hobby?

25) Favorite candy?

26) What is your favorite book?

27) What other things do you do for fun outside of the hobby?

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1.) Favourite fish?

Most anything nano. CPDs, licorice & sparkling gouramis, rosey loach, badis/dario, ricefish, sumatran bumblebee goby. 

I need some paedocypris.

2.) Least favourite fish?


3.) Favourite fish YouTuber?

I mostly just watch Cory's farm tours. Sometimes I watch farm tours from other people ...but don't tell Cory.

4.) Favourite non-fish YouTuber?

It's hard for me to make it through the first two minutes of any YouTube video.

5.) Favourite food?

Stone fruit, California taqueria food.

6.) What fish would you like to be the most?

A whale. See how I avoided the question There?

7.) What was your scariest moment?

Anytime my at the time toddler decided to sprint toward traffic.


8.) What country do you want to visit the most?

Southeast Asia looks nice or New Zealand 

9.) Cats or dogs?

Cats. I don't trust dogs. They're always way too happy to see you. What are they hiding?

10) Describe yourself in 3 words.

Analytical, restless, other.

11) Pancakes or Waffles?

Waffles. Easier.

12) What is your favorite song?

Most things by Bon Iver, Lord Huron, Bright Eyes/Conor Oberst, mewithoutYou, Iron & Wine

13) What do you dislike most about the aquarium hobby, and why?

Too much myth busting non-myths. A lot of myth busting with a cited source is just failure to read the whole source. Unfortunately, even the most critical person will often believe anything if they're told a myth is being busted. I do it too.

14) What is your favorite TV show?

I recently watched The Mandalorian and liked it.

15) What is your greatest fear?

Something happens to my kid.

16) What is or was your favorite subject in school, and why?

I always liked the evolution classes. I almost became an evolutionary biologist.


17) Do you keep live aquarium plants? If so, what types?

Mostly clippings I've traded that I don't remember the names. I think the only plants I've bought are mosses, buce, and anubius.

18) Do you love or hate pest snails?

I like ramshorn and don't mind Malaysian trumpets, but I don't like bladder snails.

19) Do you enjoy gardening?

Yes but where I live, if you forget to water one time, the whole garden dies and I do it every year. I have stuff to setup auto irrigation but haven't done it yet.

20) What do you love most about the aquarium hobby?

It's a mix of biology, chemistry, and engineering. Lots of rabbit holes to go down.

21) What was the biggest mistake you've made so far in the hobby, and what has it taught you?

Mostly because I went to school for and have professionally raised fish for a long time, I haven't really made any mistakes in the hobby—besides neglecting tanks when I'm not feeling well. That's not necessary a good thing because I still have very little experience with disease and treatments and don't know what to do when my fish get sick which happened for the first time after COVID. 

22) Burgers or Pizza?


23) What is your favorite aquatic animal?


24) What is your dream tank or something you want to accomplish in this hobby?

I want a backyard aquafarm.

25) Favorite candy?

Dark chocolate.

26) What is your favorite book?

Anything about the history of science is interesting. 


27) What other things do you do for fun outside of the hobby?

Reading, standup comedy.

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On 9/14/2022 at 1:53 PM, modified lung said:

23) What is your favorite aquatic animal?


Catfish?  🤣

On 9/14/2022 at 1:53 PM, modified lung said:

Anytime my at the time toddler decided to sprint toward traffic.

All I could think of was that movie Pet Sematary.  & Gage coming back as super evil with a manipulative cuteness to match.  OMG 😬

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On 9/14/2022 at 12:53 PM, modified lung said:

Waffles. Easier.

This is a baffling response to me.  Although, I mostly make yeast-leavened, Belgian waffles that you have to start the night before.  Thus, pancakes are way easier!

On 9/14/2022 at 12:53 PM, modified lung said:

Too much myth busting non-myths. A lot of myth busting with a cited source is just failure to read the whole source. Unfortunately, even the most critical person will often believe anything if they're told a myth is being busted. I do it too.

Even worse, when something should work from first principles but fails because of some unexpected emergent property.  Amiright?! 

On 9/14/2022 at 12:53 PM, modified lung said:

It's a mix of biology, chemistry, and engineering. Lots of rabbit holes to go down.

Solid answer!

On 9/14/2022 at 12:53 PM, modified lung said:

Anything about the history of science is interesting.

Then may I recommend: "The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China and the West" by Toby Huff

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On 9/14/2022 at 11:09 AM, Guppysnail said:

With your humor often on the dry side I bet you are a blast to watch. 🤗

I only have one aquarium related bit I wrote. It's about how owning an aquarium makes me feel like a god. The fish all think if they please me, I'll bless them with more food. But they started splitting into different religious factions. One group took a vow of celibacy which is the opposite of what I want.

On 9/14/2022 at 11:30 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

All I could think of was that movie Pet Sematary. 

I came very close to buying him a leash.


On 9/14/2022 at 11:33 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Even worse, when something should work from first principles but fails because of some unexpected emergent property.  Amiright?! 

The possibility of emergent properties can be ignored since we can imagine deterministic processes occuring in a vacuum, yo.

On 9/14/2022 at 11:33 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Then may I recommend: "The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China and the West" by Toby Huff

I'll check it out. It's been a long time but I remember really liking Darwinism Evolving by Depew.

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