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Platys eat everything!!!


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So I'm having trouble with my platys eating the bottom feeders food like bug bite crumbles and algae wafers and I don't know how to make them stop. I think it's causing some constipation/bloating issues. I've tried adding it after turning lights out and they still go after it. Water conditions are good so them eating everything is the only thing I can think of that's causing the bloating/constipation issues. I've also tried not feeding for 3 days then feeding just spirula and that seemed to get them back to well, normal poops and size but then they go right back to eating food that's not theirs and having the long stringy poop and looking bloated. I really don't know what else to do or what I can do. Any advice?

Oh the other food is for the cory cats, bn pleco and mystery snail. I also worry they might not get enough fppd because of the greedy little platys. 


Ammonia - 0

NitrItes - 0

NitrAtes btw 10 and 20

Ph - 7.6

Gh - 10

Kh - 6

Temp 79


8 platys

5 cory cats

1 bn blue eye lemon pleco

1 mystery snail


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My guppies do this. The things I found that work is feeding my bottom feeders not just after lights out but after dark when there is no room light. In complete darkness they can’t find it and are inactive but my corys and bottom feeders can. I also feed my BN pleco and snails veggies everyday.  Guppies nibble at those but cannot pig them down. 
Feeding my guppies flake/pellet/live bbs(works best it keeps them busy the longest) at the same time helps some but they still manage to get to the bottom food and overeat. 

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Thank you all, I will try the complete darkness next see how the little piggies do with that. 

On 9/13/2022 at 5:29 AM, Guppysnail said:

I also feed my BN pleco and snails veggies everyday. 

I've seen that feeding the pleco and snail veggies is good but not quite sure on the how and what's best. Just fresh slices or do you blanch them? Also is there a way that you keep them longer since veggies don't really last long? Oh and are there particular ones that are better. I have easy access to cucumbers but don't know what else is good for them. 

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On 9/13/2022 at 11:07 AM, GisheryGoodness said:

Thank you all, I will try the complete darkness next see how the little piggies do with that. 

I've seen that feeding the pleco and snail veggies is good but not quite sure on the how and what's best. Just fresh slices or do you blanch them? Also is there a way that you keep them longer since veggies don't really last long? Oh and are there particular ones that are better. I have easy access to cucumbers but don't know what else is good for them. 

Blanch them, just what you'll feed in a week.  The rest of the fresh veg you can freeze and blanch a little bit the following week.  For my snails I just pull2 greenbeans out of the freezer and blanch.  I feed chunks off of those a few times during the week with other foods like Repashy in the days in between.

Cucumbers, green beans, zucchini, squash, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, sweet potato.  That's what I've tried thus far.  (Well, I did try spinach, but they didn't like it).  

I do not have any plecos, but I see the pleco folks giving green beans and zucchini most often.  Seems that's popular w/ BOTH plecos & snails.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 9/13/2022 at 10:46 AM, Guppysnail said:

Cucumber, zucchini fresh. Green beans, carrots steamed or buy frozen and thaw. Bell peppers, broccoli stalks, Brussel sprouts all can go frozen just thaw so they sink. Sometimes I do a steamed sweet potato slice you can probably do those frozen also. I use plant weights or just poke a fork in them. 

Do your guppies eat all of that?

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My bottom feeders eat most of it but yes my guppies pick at everything and I mean everything if I stick my hand in the tank they try to eat it. 🐷 House favorite is green beans my guppies chow those down my bottom feeders chow them down I’ve even seen Corydora snuffling along them

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On 9/13/2022 at 1:06 PM, Guppysnail said:

My bottom feeders eat most of it but yes my guppies pick at everything and I mean everything if I stick my hand in the tank they try to eat it. 🐷 House favorite is green beans my guppies chow those down my bottom feeders chow them down I’ve even seen Corydora snuffling along them

Huh.  I didn't know guppies ate all that.  I kinda thought they'd be top feeders.

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Platties and swordtails are extremely aggressive eaters eating everything no matter what you do; and if they can't find anything better they will shamelessly eat all your algae.... Guppies will do similar but are less aggressive and take longer to move away from the top - also they just can't eat as much or as fast.... Come to think of it my angels and festium are also pretty aggressive eaters eating everything from top to bottom (but not nearly as good with algae). If you want a polite eater go for the nanncara amolae - they will even allow smaller fishes to eat first...

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