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Stan Z

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I agree with @OutBout, more Otos (as generally they do better in at least a small group and have very little bio load - I have 70+ in a 20 gallon that is very stable) will help you with your algae, as long as it's short algae and not hair algae. Not much will deal with a hair algae problem. I also agree with @lefty o Nerites are perfect for this job as they don't reproduce and won't compete much with your other algae eaters (and really don't eat commercial foods so won't eat the Cory food). I have 3 in my 20 gallon Oto tank and they are awesome to have in there. 

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On 9/12/2022 at 8:29 AM, Stan Z said:

xXInkedPhienixX I thought about more oto’s but wasn’t sure about overcrowding. I have six Harlequin Rasboras and will add three Honey Gouramis this week. If more oto’s won’t overcrowd then I’m in.

Keep in mind if you're trying to control algae but also adding more non-algae eating fish,  this might be a never-ending struggle. The extra bioload and feeding requirements can exacerbate algae amounts. How planted is your aquarium?

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I can see them fine. I'd say your tank is lightly planted. How old is your tank?

Also, @Stan Z I'm just catching the fact that you're replying to me but when you want someone's attention just type @ then start typing the member's name (it prefills the possibles) and that person will easily see you're talking to them. 🙂 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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Weird. That didn't translate for you (the @ feature) anyway, I still caught the message. What I'd do is add the Honey Gouramis and wait a few weeks more until your tank parameters are for sure stable. Yes I know the algae will get a little stupid but really with a tank this new that's ok. Then I'd recommend QT'ing some Otos, maybe a group of 4-5- you can put some rocks from your established tank there so they have algae to eat and rotate them. It's important to QT fish, especially wild caught like Otos because they very often have diseases and you don't want the tank you are diligently trying to build to get sick (meds sometimes also wobble the cycle). When you finally put them in your main tank all that diatom algae will be gone quickly. 

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