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Betta Fish Lump


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We’ve had this guy for 10 months from Petco and he was full grown when we got him.  So probably one year plus at least in age.  What do you think this lump is?  He’s less interactive lately and not swimming over for food.  Just kind of hangs in the betta log or by the heater.   We feed him Omega betta pellets (about 1 or 2 in AM and 3 or 4 at night) and substitute with freeze dried bloodworms sometimes as a treat (just 2 or 3). Tank is 5G, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates, 0 nitrites, 6dh hardness, 80 KH ppm, and 8-8.2 ph.  No mates, just one nerite.  All is stable usually.  No plants and I used a box filter.   Should I fast him?  Is this swim bladder? Or maybe just getting old.  


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Looks fairly similar to bloat. Lost a female Chilatherina fasciata to bloat and had a similarly positioned lump before passing. 

Freeze dried foods can also expand in the water, so it could be a build up of that.

Edited by Friller
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On 8/8/2022 at 12:18 AM, laritheloud said:

Is the lump bilateral or unilateral? If it's only on one side I'd suspect something other than bloating.

both sides...it now seems reduced and he is more active after fasting for 2 days and feeding a little lower thereafter.  we also gave him some daphnia (freeze dried and soaked) and he loves it, and hunts it down.  So do all my other tanks too.   overall, I suppose the betta is better, but getting a bit older now.

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