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My new mermaid male Betta


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Does anyone know about bettas I just got one for my 5.5 gallon tank.  unfortunately I got it from petco because I have no mom and pop shop around my home. But he looks so wash out lol like a white film on him and his face look rough is that how a mermaid male betta supost to look? I did the trio ICH-X, Meracyn, Paracleanse. For prevention he is eating and not lethargic he is moving around. today is his second day at home ill place a video of him hope you guys can see him, thanks.



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If you’ve prophylacticly treated him, you’re probably good. I’ve found my bettas tend to crash after a few days home. I tend to let them simmer in a 1:1 salt ratio for about a month. It is completely subjective but something about the salt seems to help them heal the damage of being stuck in those cups. They just tend to be lethargic and be poor eaters  and something is just off I can’t put my finger on when they get home. Extended salt soak tends to help. 

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