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Will BNP eat Crypt leaves?


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I have a baby BNP and some new Crypts. The crypts are on week two in the tank and there were a few leaves that melted. There are still some older leaves left on the plants and today I noticed on at least three plants there were spots that looked like something took a chunk out of them. The Pleco gets fed regularly and has plenty of wood to munch on. Are these plants still melting back or could it be the BNP? I have heard they can go after Amazon Swords, but can crypts be on the menu too? 

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They usually eat dead or dying leaves only, and I have lots of crypts in my 100 G nanofish tank and 3 adult plus 6 juvie BNP in there and nobody is eating the crypts. Your crypts may still be doing a little melting. Make sure your BNP gets some veggies at least semi-regular and they’ll usually leave the swords alone unless they have damaged or dying leaves.

Edited by Odd Duck
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If hungry enough a BNP will eat anything. And they're always hungry. They aren't serious plant eaters, but if they're eating your plants, it's probably a sign they want more food. What you think is plenty of food for them and what they think is plenty of food for them could be entirely different matters. 

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