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My guts tells me and I follow. I've decided on pseudomugil rainbows. Kinda narrowed down to 2 species but not fully decided. The 2 im deciding between are luminatus and furcata.  Idk who here is a rainbow fish person but would love some input.  

They will go in a 29 gallon that currently houses: Male guppies, 2 thick lipped gourami, 2 reticulated hillstream loaches, panda cories and a dwindling then building snail population. 

I'm told luminatus has much more color but furcata has more personality. If more personality means lots of movement that could be good or bad either way. Maybe I'll take a video of my tank tomorrow to show space things but there tends to be lots of mid space. Another factor is the luminatus is almost 2x the price and oof my bills. This is primarily a keeping thing but knowing myself breeding is always an option so ease of that is a consideration as well. 

In addition to these 2 species if anyone has another they think would fit better feel free!

Here's a pic of the tank for some reference. A video is more helpful and i might add that tomorrow. 20220622_165538.jpg.9c8d6977ff51bb98ea9d356b5267f0a0.jpg

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On 7/14/2022 at 10:57 PM, Cinnebuns said:

My guts tells me and I follow. I've decided on pseudomugil rainbows. Kinda narrowed down to 2 species but not fully decided. The 2 im deciding between are luminatus and furcata.  Idk who here is a rainbow fish person but would love some input.  

They will go in a 29 gallon that currently houses: Male guppies, 2 thick lipped gourami, 2 reticulated hillstream loaches, panda cories and a dwindling then building snail population. 

I'm told luminatus has much more color but furcata has more personality. If more personality means lots of movement that could be good or bad either way. Maybe I'll take a video of my tank tomorrow to show space things but there tends to be lots of mid space. Another factor is the luminatus is almost 2x the price and oof my bills. This is primarily a keeping thing but knowing myself breeding is always an option so ease of that is a consideration as well. 

In addition to these 2 species if anyone has another they think would fit better feel free!

Here's a pic of the tank for some reference. A video is more helpful and i might add that tomorrow. 20220622_165538.jpg.9c8d6977ff51bb98ea9d356b5267f0a0.jpg

I have the getrudae and I’ve had either 4 or 5 die on me. I feel like they can be a little sensitive but if taken care of really good then you should be fine. I initially had 2 which were one male and one female because that’s what they had in stock I believe. The female passed randomly but I’ve had the male for months now and he’s just colored up and is the alpha now. I then bought two males(thought they were females) and one of them died. Then I again bought 5 more and out of those 2 were females and the rest males. 1 female and 2 males died for reasons unbeknownst to me. Now I have 3 males and 1 female which isn’t bad at all because the female doesn’t get bothered and they roll as a pack. The female did gain some type of fungal disease that was growing slowly on her body but I just did a water change and fed them some more frozen rather than dry food and the fungal growth is pretty much gone and she’s swimming happier than ever. I think they’re a perfect fish as long as your others are also calm. When my oldest male, the alpha, was by himself he used to try to intimidate my kuhli loaches and once in a while my guppy fry that was growing in the tank but he never hurt anyone just tried to chase. The kuhlis paid him no mind and ignored him which was funny to watch. If possible just try to get more females than males especially if you’d maybe want to try breeding them one day, I know I definitely will try because I’ve seen breeding behavior with the male ‘coaxing’ the female towards my Java moss. All available pseudomugil? are beautiful but yes they are pricey, mine have been $12-$14 each both from petco and my lfs. Just for reference my water temp has been from 72-80 for periods of time and they’ve lived through that, this was when I was trying to configure my heater to work right and the time I forgot to plug it back in the tank dropped to 70 and I lost one of them. Right now at 75 they seem to be doing really well, haven’t had any problems in a while with them. My ph is 7.0 and my tank is fully planted. I’ll add a pictureBB5951DF-5D6D-4726-8084-11D17F3CF3D2.jpeg.b2f03f9bb3ba3148966e649fc351a97f.jpegFor me they stayed around the midwater rather than fully at the top like my clown killis. 70A6617A-BD7D-4B44-AAF2-4D566A27508A.png.d22f58a53b30be3f62980ab896627247.pngThis is my male that has been with me the longest. I also feel that they show their colors more when they have competition which is with having more males. 

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