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CPD Very skittish


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I just received 8 CPDs yesterday and put them in my Quarantine tank with med trio. I just have a few clippings from a plant, small rock, heater, and sponge filter.  It is bare bottom other than what I listed. The fish are very skittish and frantically swimming around when I observe the tank. I feel they might be stressing themselves out to much. Tank parameters are well within normal ranges. 

Is this normal behavior for these fish? 

Should add more structure in my quarantine tank?


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If you got them via mail, I wouldn't be surprised if they're just absolutely stressed to the max. Any time there are changes, there is a possibility of that. Maybe leave the light off for a while, or even cover the tank if it's near a high-traffic area of your house. I would think they just need time & peace to acclimate to their new surroundings.

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1 hour ago, akconklin said:

If you got them via mail, I wouldn't be surprised if they're just absolutely stressed to the max. Any time there are changes, there is a possibility of that. Maybe leave the light off for a while, or even cover the tank if it's near a high-traffic area of your house. I would think they just need time & peace to acclimate to their new surroundings.

Never thought about turning the light off. Was leaving it on to mimic natural habitat. The tank is in the garage so which does not have any traffic except when I check on them but will try turning off the light. Thanks 

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This happened to mine too.  If there is no cover on 3 or 4 sides of the tank they will feel very exposed. I have begun adding some significant decorations to my quarantine tank so they can feel some security. I think low light is good too, other tank mates would help but that's not realistic for a quarantine tank. I found these cheap giant mats of plastic plants that they can hide under and can be easily moved when its time to transfer. Maybe you could even put some backing on 3 sides. They are a skittish fish in general, so they might take weeks to be comfortable with you.

Mine are now in my 55g community tank and are out and about with all the other fish, They don't hide when I approach and they have even bred.


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