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Hard Call to Make

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It has been a roller coaster of a few weeks. My oldest son had to have a major surgery done this past Monday. The day of his surgery they tell us our medical insurance will not cover his medical equipment. As a mom I’m at a loss. We have tried everything to raise the funds needed, GoFundMe, Loans, everything in our power. We ended up selling most of our beloved fish and aquariums, and we are still no where near being able to afford his equipment. So if everyone in the community could please send some good vibes or prayers to our little family of fish keeping nerds, it would much appreciated. As his Mom, I feel like a complete and total failure.

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You are NOT a failure!!! Life throws things our way and God only allows what we can handle to impact us. I’m so sorry your family is going through this right now but it will get better. I hope your son is doing great after his surgery! Hang in there and keep your faith strong! I’m saying prayers for your family! Take care of yourself and know that we are all here to chat if you ever feel overwelmed!

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Any one of us are one incident away from losing everything. It doesn't mean failure at all. Infact, I hear success and hard work. It would be a failure if you didn't try. It would be a failure if you kept your fish and didn't care for your son. It would be a failure if you did any number of things you did not do. You didn't fail. You did the best you could with what you have. Sometimes that seems like not enough but if you keep doing the best you can with what you have at the time things tend to work put.

It makes me think of Frozen 2. "When everything seems hopeless and you don't know where to go, just do the next right thing."  Sometimes that helps the best is to not think about what went wrong in the past or what you may have to deal with in the future but with what you can control in the now. Do the next right thing. I truly believe all "bad" things have good reasons for them happening. Sometimes it's hard to see the good, but it's there!  Count the blessings the struggle gives you and work with the hardships and everything will work out. 

You sound like an amazing parent and your son is lucky to have you!

If you ever need an ear to vent, cry, laugh, smile, anything with I'm a great person for that. I listen without judgment and only give advice when it's wanted, usually. If you need a mental break just to chat or a ear to vent out the frustrations or even pics and videos of tanks to help get your fix these are all things I can do!  Feel free to private message me if you need!

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I am saying a prayer for you and your family. I know what it’s like. I’ve been there (and am still going through it with husbands injury/surgery) it’s not easy, the stress levels are high- sometimes you don’t even know how to cope.  But you will get through this. There will be sunshine after this storm. You are NOT a failure- if anything, you are a hero for doing/sacrificing everything in your power to make sure your child gets what they need. Never let anyone, not even yourself, tell you different!

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