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Fertilizer/Testing Question

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I'm suspicious that I have chronically low potassium in my aquariums (from looking at my plant leaves) so I bought a K test kit. It arrived today right after I had dosed with Easy Green. Easy Green has a small amount of K (potash 9.21%) in it.  Do you guys think I should wait a few days before testing my water? I'm anxious to see the results but I want them to be accurate. Thanks!

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On 7/3/2022 at 3:24 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

How is the tank doing?

The tank is doing OK, my plants just never seem to do well. I had some trouble with algae (green hair) but it's under control now. The fish look happy.  My phosphorus test kit came and I'm a little high (the test, not me....) so it's water change day tomorrow. Eventually I'll get it right 🙂

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On 7/3/2022 at 5:36 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

What's your GH and KH?

My water is horrible. I live in Minnesota the land of granite and that's basically what my water is-liquid granite. My aquarium water is off the charts for the API KH/GH test kit-15gtts KH and 27gtts GH (tap water is approximately the same). Anyway, the API chart doesn't go up that high, but according to info I have found online I'm in the very to extremely hard range. Here's my Coop test strip-sorry about the fuzzy photo-IMG_3822.JPG.5ca4405d7bb962f501d514a90c306fc2.JPG


Edited by dmurray407
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Plants can struggle in such high parameters. They honestly want to be in soft water. Given enough time, they might adapt but those are some pretty high numbers and that can lock out some nutrients.

I would look to drop GH and KH, but that depends on how far you want to take altering parameters. This might not be something you want to do. 

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On 7/3/2022 at 6:44 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

would look to drop GH and KH, but that depends on how far you want to take altering parameters.

Thank you!  This explains a lot. Years ago I had a 20 gallon tank and bought purified water for water changes (more worried about the extremely high pH back then). Now I have a 60 gal tank and I don't want to haul that much water. Would RO water be less hard? Until a year ago I always had artificial plants, maybe I need to go back to them-hard to find really nice ones, though. Are any live plants more tolerant of hard water?

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