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Advice needed for Betta..possible euthanasia advice!

A Moore

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340F7183-0006-442C-8648-E35A22AD2D5B.jpeg.dee7527c71718da35051dc799ff2cdb9.jpegThis is the state of my poor betta. I have medicated him on and off for months. Changed water every other day. His 7.5 gal tank is planted with snails and 4 shrimp. He has been fighting hard for his life but fin rot has gotten to his body.  I am not one for euthanasia but this is terrible. Is clove oil humane? Would you give him more time or more medication? He ate yesterday or at least picked at Repashy gel. He’s not interested in his pellets anymore and mostly wedges himself under plants to sleep. 

Edited by A Moore
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He is beautiful! If you don’t mind me asking what have you been medicating him with and do you know your water parameters? I’m thinking out loud, but I wonder if a water change every other day is necessary. Do you do it to fight algae or following the directions of the meds? Just curious.

Edited by Paul R
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I’ve been using the test strip nothing is out of the ordinary. Nitrites and nitrates under 20 ppm, ph 8.0, KH 120, GH 180 (we have very hard water in middle TN). The betta is two and a half years old and has battled fin rot since around January off and on. I’ve had other bettas in the past who I believe I have over medicated so I have been trying not to slam him all at once with Maracyn and Ich-X. However, as a last ditch effort two weeks ago, I did.  He didn’t seem to change and after 5 days of no water changes (Per Irenes video how to cure Ich fast.. I didn’t wait 7 days).  I gave him a break and just added Maracyn two days ago and again today with a 50% water change. I’ve been keeping the tank light out most of the day since he hides whenever it’s on. I have tried to keep all possible stresses low. He did eat frozen bloodworms on Friday. 


Tank temperature is 81.5. 

I have been changing water so frequently due to advise from KG Tropicals.  

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Tank looks pristine and the shrimp are doing well! I just wonder how the Betta would do if it were taken out of the tank and put in a hospital type situation with softer water. Perhaps use some of the gallon water jugs you can buy from the store? If it were me I would try that out and leave him in there for a few weeks to see if he would heal up. I would almost say lightly treat him while he is in the hospital tank for that full week and do a water change afterwards. Then just leave him without meds for another week or two and see if his condition gets better. 

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Okay I have not tried that. Distilled water or purified water gallons? I have lots of purified in gallons on hand and a spare 10 gallon tank. I didn’t want to stress this guy more than needed so didn’t set up a hospital tank.  Since he’s so bad I will definitely try your advice. So no plants or anything with him?

I took out my master test kit to make sure I didn’t crash the tank with all the changes. There is no ammonia and hardly no nitrates and no detectable nitrites. Not so sure that’s good 

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When you say nitrites and nitrates are under 20ppm any nitrites are toxic to fish if you have nitrites I would test daily and do daily water changes and add prime to detoxify any nitrites till they constantly stay at zero   what your ammonia level at 

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When I did the master test for Nitrates there was the slightest bit of maybe orange color. I couldn’t detect a color change really. The test strip color could have been pink but I could hardly tell. That lead me to think it was way under any kind of danger level. Nitrites we’re not detectable at all on either the strip or master test. Ammonia was not detectable with the master test either.  Thank you for asking and assisting!!! 

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When fin rot starting to turn into body rot I would usually recommend treating kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone together but nitrofurazone isn't shrimp or snail Safe what I would do is add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties depending of the quality of the leaves you may have to add 1 leaf per gallon to get  benefial effect and do a course of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days 


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Awesome info Colu, thank you. I do not have either of those on hand. I can go get KanaPlex this evening and order Jungle Fungus tabs on Amazon with Wednesday delivery.

I have been using Aquarium co-ops nice premium quality Indian Almond/Catappa leaves on a daily basis. I have two left. I have also recently purchased a product called Easy Life Catappa-x which is supposed to be a clear liquid version.

I set up my hospital tank, using a seeded sponge filter and silk plant. I used 8 gallons of purified water with API Stress Coat and Seachem Stability. Would the two leave be enough or would you add the Catappa-x as well? 

I’m a little concerned with the water difference because the purified bottled waters’ ph is 7.0 (compared to the tap water 8.0), GH appears to be 30 (my tap is 180) and KH is 40 (my tap is 120). 

Will this be a big shock? 

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If the fish has eaten recently, I would not consider euthanizing.

If you have not tried Kanaplex (or other Gram-Negative med, such as Maracyn 2), I also would not consider euthanizing.

Kanaplex in the food can be a really solid medication. Give it a shot.

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On 6/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, A Moore said:

Awesome info Colu, thank you. I do not have either of those on hand. I can go get KanaPlex this evening and order Jungle Fungus tabs on Amazon with Wednesday delivery.

I have been using Aquarium co-ops nice premium quality Indian Almond/Catappa leaves on a daily basis. I have two left. I have also recently purchased a product called Easy Life Catappa-x which is supposed to be a clear liquid version.

I set up my hospital tank, using a seeded sponge filter and silk plant. I used 8 gallons of purified water with API Stress Coat and Seachem Stability. Would the two leave be enough or would you add the Catappa-x as well? 

I’m a little concerned with the water difference because the purified bottled waters’ ph is 7.0 (compared to the tap water 8.0), GH appears to be 30 (my tap is 180) and KH is 40 (my tap is 120). 

Will this be a big shock? 

If you have stable water parameters I wouldn't mess with them your more likely to stress an already sick fish weaken his immune system more 

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He looks better today!

I was I unable to locate KanaPlex before stores closed yesterday. In the meantime I left “Pinky” our Betta in his original tank and added two more large Aquarium Coop catappa leaves (3 total).  I was able to find Fritz Dark Water and added 10ml to the tank. 

I still have the hospital tank up and running to try the medication when I get it from Amazon if needed. 

Here are pics from today.. D94FD934-CCEA-4DCD-849F-88984C7C7434.jpeg.dc0f1ba89747a95b40ebc5bdb2679827.jpeg949CD4F0-9F6E-480F-B2FC-B0AB1B596E7B.jpeg.801ca908f175de8cf614e36b0502ec5b.jpeg

I did not see him eat but he could have. Or maybe the food was eaten by the shrimp and snails. 

His body color is much better (whiter) and not purple like yesterday!  

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Thank you Colu! I will keep that in mind! 
After posting earlier, I tried Repashy and he immediately grabbed a mouthful! He ate a couple more bites and went to the back of the tank to rest. 

Feeling hopeful about him today! 😅

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Went for Repashy again today. He is still marinating in catappa leaves and I added a tsp of salt. Maybe not enough to do anything but didn’t want to kill my plants.  KanaPlex will be delivered tomorrow and I have Jungle Fungus tabs now. The hospital tank is brewing and seems to be stable (no ammonia) with the seeded sponge I used. Still not sure if I will actually transfer him out of his tank or not. I’m just watching his progress closely. I did use some bottled water to top off his tank today and reduce the hardness of our tap water. It may not have been enough to do much because the readings were still hard. Here are todays pics in case this may help anyone in the future…


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10 gallon hospital tank water is stable.
 I acclimated him in after dissolving Jungle Fungus Tab in with the catappa leaves

KanaPlex is supposed to be delivered later today.  I have his floating log and a silk plant in the tank. He went right to the log and is resting.  Leaving him alone and hoping for improvement the next few weeks. Will update this post for future reference.


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10 gallon hospital tank water is stable.
 I acclimated him in after dissolving Jungle Fungus Tab in with the catappa leaves

KanaPlex is supposed to be delivered later today.  I have his floating log and a silk plant in the tank. He went right to the log and is resting.  Leaving him alone and hoping for improvement the next few weeks. Will update this post for future reference.







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Woke up and Pinky is laying on his side on the bare bottom tank next to the heater. He did finally turn his body upright to look at me with his big little eyes staring into my soul saying “help”! 😓 My instinct is to get this medication out of the tank! 🙇‍♀️

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Removed and replaced 10 gallons of water out of the tank (by the bucket full, not all at once). It certainly diluted the meds but still lots in there going by the dark green color of the water.  

Pinky has immediately perked up resting between a leaf and the sponge filter. 


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On 6/24/2022 at 2:35 PM, A Moore said:

Removed and replaced 10 gallons of water out of the tank (by the bucket full, not all at once). It certainly diluted the meds but still lots in there going by the dark green color of the water.  

Pinky has immediately perked up resting between a leaf and the sponge filter. 


It's possible he had a reaction to medication what I would do holed off adding any more jungal fungas clear and just do the course of kanaplex in food I think that would be the safest option 

Edited by Colu
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