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Breeding Otocinclus Catfish


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@Guppysnail is too kind. I wouldn't call myself a breeder- my Otos though have successfully spawned and I've mananged to raise over 60 Vittatus. People on here have mentioned they have done it- but nobody else has documented it here that I've seen. So my journal is just the story of my accidentally doing it (and hoping I can accidentally do it again- but honestly I'm ok if they don't!) 🙂 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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From my understanding of that thread it just sort of happened. Inked didn't setup the tank with intentions to breed, just happened to be that their tank and the speciemens they got happened to be the perfect mix to get a spawn. Personally, I'd like a breakdown of the setup and params just to be able to reference this later to attempt spawning.

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Exactly as @Tihshho says. Something about how I'm keeping the tanks gets them to spawn. It's not regular- I'm not trying- but others can see what I am and am  not doing and work around that to see if that works. I've also successfully raised the fry to adulthood- raising fry isn't always easy- so my method can be copied and modified as needed- I have very few fry losses. 

I picked fish that "wouldn't breed" for my original tank so I just tripped into this whole Oto baby thing....

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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