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Platy with big white spot- updated reply


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I just started stocking my 29 gal and one of the 6 platys I've noticed a white spot on her possibly his head. I'm not entirely certain it's not part of their coloring but I really don't think so. All the other fish are doing great and even this one is still eating well but is spending a lot of time at the bottom and is now I think clamping fins? I used the API master test kit daily since I've put them in and there haven't been changes. 

PH - 6.8

Ammonia - 0

Nitrite - 0

Nitrate - 0

Temp - 79/80 

I dont know what the hardness is as of right now, need to get some test strips for that since it's not in the test kit. I think it may be a little low though because I have had that in the past. 

I know the PH is a little low but everything else seems good and I'm pretty sure I'm doing it right, before I put fish in the ammonia was up a little and I did a 25% water change and that seemed to lower it. I have anxiety so I just keep worrying that I'm doing something wrong. 

These are the best pictures I could get.



Edited by GisheryGoodness
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On 5/31/2022 at 7:21 PM, GisheryGoodness said:

I just started stocking my 29 gal and one of the 6 platys I've noticed a white spot on her possibly his head. I'm not entirely certain it's not part of their coloring but I really don't think so. All the other fish are doing great and even this one is still eating well but is spending a lot of time at the bottom and is now I think clamping fins? I used the API master test kit daily since I've put them in and there haven't been changes. 

PH - 6.8

Ammonia - 0

Nitrite - 0

Nitrate - 0

Temp - 79/80 

I dont know what the hardness is as of right now, need to get some test strips for that since it's not in the test kit. I think it may be a little low though because I have had that in the past. 

I know the PH is a little low but everything else seems good and I'm pretty sure I'm doing it right, before I put fish in the ammonia was up a little and I did a 25% water change and that seemed to lower it. I have anxiety so I just keep worrying that I'm doing something wrong. 

These are the best pictures I could get.



Looks to be bacterial. Maybe columnaris but it’s hard to tell. It would be worth treading with antibiotics

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Looks to be columnaris. Yes, you can fix it, but you really may want to figure out why this got hold.

1) Are you sure the tank is cycled? You have zero nitrates, which can indicate the tank has not cycled, or the cycle was disturbed.

2) Livebearers like harder water with minerals. You don't know the GH or KH, and your PH is a bit low for them. It can also go much lower, if you have no KH. I would make GH/KH a priority to find out. In the meantime, you can add some salt to assist in the recovery. 1 TBSP/5 gallons should be fine to start, even if you have plants in the tank.

3) Columnaris - treated with KanaPlex+Nitrofurazone (Jungle Fungus Fizz tabs).

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Thank you both for giving me somewhere to start. I have some testing for the hardness ordered, I thought it was included in the master kit and then had some trouble finding just one for hardness. I've only ever heard of Gh though so I really don't have much experience in kh. I'm also not sure how to make the water harder if that's needed. I thought my tank was fully cycled but I may have followed bad advice in my impatience. I used the tetra safe start I think it's called and was told to just pour in the whole bottle. I had some ammonia and nitrites for a few days before they were back at zero. My tank has been up and running with just plants for 2 weeks. 

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2 weeks is typically not enough time to get a tank cycled. Without an ammonia source it takes a while to get them going. Getting 6 fish in there all at once may have overloaded the process and stressed the fish. If you can find someone local who has an (healthy) established tank, see if you can get some squeezings from a sponge from one of their filters.

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Yes, squeezing out the filter into the media of the newer filter can help.

So, while you are waiting for the GH/KH test, definitely resort to some aquarium salt, and dose with Prime, to bind any Nitrites or Ammonia.

You can also raise GH with some products like Seachem Replenish, Equilibrium, or Wonder Shell. You can raise KH (and in turn, PH) with baking soda, but you need to be VERY careful with that. Crushed coral would be much safer, though slower.


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I was able to get aquarium salt and some jungle fungus fizz tabs today, the rest I had to order online and will be here tomorrow and Friday at the best. I decided to quarantine the fish with the issues though I know the others already have been exposed, I thought I would be easier to keep an eye on her/him. I did add the salt as recommended above, being sure to dissolve it in tank water I pulled out and then re-added. I also think the same fish has white spots now that definitely were not there yesterday. None of the others do but I've done enough research to know if one has ich I have to treat the whole tank. For now I've raised the temp a bit and went ahead and turned the lights off for the day to help lessen the stress. Honestly I'm feeling very defeated, even though I though I knew what I was doing and was doing things right, it seems I've failed in that. I guess I just thought because the 55 gal cycled fine, it has somewhere between 10 to 20 nitrates that the 29 gal was fine at 0 nitrates. I did them both them same way. Now I'm terrified something is going to go wrong in that one. I have 3 Serpae tetras and then 3 Black Skirt tetras who seem to be doing great. (Plan to add 3 more of each in time, didn't know when it said groups of 6 it was supposed to be of one kind) The water is still testing at right levels but idk. My only option for fish is the big ol P stores I have one of each. Usually have no problems with the one I go to but they didn't have platys so I went to the other one and a part of me wonders if that's part of the problem. I know nothing of online fish shopping or if that's even a good way.  Sorry for the long post, I guess at least I'm learning, mostly that I'm a horrible fish keeping person, but I hope it's not at the expense of fishies lives. 

Best Pic I could get today of same fish, very active today.  Is now in a separate tank though. 20220601_163855.jpg.4957db81502ffa2e820ac3c91e185956.jpg

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Don't give up. It can be super frustrating, but is is equally rewarding when you save a fish with your efforts and dedication.

I don't believe the PetSmrt/Co stores to be the issue. Even if they are, you have to move forward. That Platy looks rough, but you can give it your best shot. The salt is a great start. Be sure there is a couple degrees of KH in the water, to prevent PH from dropping/crashing. Crushed coral is your friend here. As for treatment,  I'd dose the Fizz tabs right away, and you can add the Kanaplex when you get it. It does look like there is some Ich spots. I have never used Ick-x and Furan (fizz tabs) together, so I can't speak to that. I will say, sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind and go for it.

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Ok so updates. The original platy I quarantined seems to be about the same, I started the KanaPlex yesterday. As for the  29 gal tank I started it on ich-x yesterday and have had temp up a bit and added aquarium salt the day before two days maybe. One of the four has quite a few spots, one other had a couple but today doesn't have any. I'm exhausted. 

Also did a 25% water change today as was suggested by what I watched in treating ich and redosed with only what was replaced and added Prime. Finally got some crushed coral and the test kit for gh and kh. These are my current parameters 

Ph 7.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 5
Gh 2
Kh  3
Temp 83

Apparently I have very soft water. For the low gh and kh add in the crushed coral will help right? If so how much and do I just put it right on the substrate? Also what helps with the nitrites? Surely not another water change today, idk if I physically can honestly. 


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You can use Prime to "detox" the nitrite (if it works as the label suggests), otherwise a water change should be the other true removal method until your bacteria catch up. I have used IchX before. It works great, but the water changes are exhausting.

If you can get the fizz tabs, that along with KanaPlex should help the platy.

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