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HELP! koi fish floating to surface!


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Help my koi fish suddenly started swimming weirdly. I saw him opening and closing his mouth very slowly and his gills too. He has air bubbles on his body and looks like ich but Its clear. I put him in another bucket to examine him better and he’s Turing to his side . I check if he was choking on anything and j dont see any. He keeps going on top of the surface too! Help sorry for my grammar as im writing this ina rush!



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I did a water change as last night and did how I would usually do it. And yes I added water conditioner. Right ammonia is 0.25ppm and nitrite 0ppm and nitrate 5.0ppm.  

On 5/16/2022 at 5:18 PM, Colu said:

What are your water parameters ammonia nitirtes etc have you resently done a water change if so did you add a water dechlorinator 

All my other fish in the tank is fine

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My ammonia is usually 0ppm but somehow ammonia is at 0.25pm today. I use aqua clear filter it has a sponge, like a polyester filter, and bio max inside. Feeding is two twice a day, I feed them gel food and veggies sometimes. 3 koi fish in a 75 gallon tank.

each koi fish is 4 inches long

I also have sponge filter inside and a heater

Water temp is 24C but last night I forgot to plug in the heater and the temp went to 22C im not sure If its the temperature 

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On 5/16/2022 at 10:40 PM, jess9292 said:

My ammonia is usually 0ppm but somehow ammonia is at 0.25pm today. I use aqua clear filter it has a sponge, like a polyester filter, and bio max inside. Feeding is two twice a day, I feed them gel food and veggies sometimes. 3 koi fish in a 75 gallon tank.

each koi fish is 4 inches long

I also have sponge filter inside and a heater

Water temp is 24C but last night I forgot to plug in the heater and the temp went to 22C im not sure If its the temperature 

You could have had a higher ammonia spike than 0.25 and you missed it you don't need a heater for koi so I don't think the temperature has anything to do with it on the fins it looks like some white spots but you mentioned air bubbles on the fish's body are they clear or white spots on the fins 

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I think it could have been an ammonia spike what I would do is add an extra air stone and some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 the salt will add essential electrolytes and aid Gill function for now 

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I did some water change and today he looks better as he not turning over but he’s still gasping 

update: he passed away 😞 I kept checking on him to make sure and I was away for an hour today and came back to him dead ;-; 

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