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Help with an extremely pregnant guppy!


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As this is my first time experiencing the miracle of guppy-birth, I’m out of my element and seem to be in a tricky situation.

This little girl has been pregnant for over a month - she’s so big now she looks like she’s going to explode. Just today, between turning on the lights and right now, she’s developed a bright pink bulge coming out of her cloaca. (is that what fish have?)


A quick google search suggests she’s prolapsing due to abdominal pressure - which I’m pretty sure is due to the massive load of bebbies she’s holding onto. There’s been no change in behavior the last few days to indicate illness, and she was eating just fine this morning (I feed a mixture of Hikari guppy/Xtreme krill flakes/Coop easy fry food).

Is there anything I can do for this little lady? Thanks for the help 🙏

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Hi there, I'm very sorry to see this, I hope she makes it through. Was hoping someone would respond quickly when you posted this that had guppies but since it's been a couple of hours I searched the forum, it appears out med guru @Colu recommended epsom salt....this forum member's guppy didn't make it, I hope you will be able to help yours....

Female guppy prolapse. Warning, graphic photos


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Thank you both for your responses! I found her like this right before heading to work, should have searched the forum before freaking out.

I siphoned off a gallon of tank water into a jar with a half tablespoon of epsom salt, I imagine she’s appreciative of this 10 minute break from the boys.

Oddly enough, during the process of netting her out the prolapse relapsed? I’m still going to let her enjoy her bath time though!

It’s Mother’s Day, she deserves a little spa treatment! 🧖‍♀️ 


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That’s a great idea IP! Succinctly ordered, it will be here tomorrow. What I’m worried about most is that the males won’t leave her be… There are other ladies just waiting to be wooed but both of those boys are tag teaming her Night at the Roxbury style. Guess they like ‘em T H I C C C.


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On 5/8/2022 at 2:51 PM, KungFuKoi-ish said:

As this is my first time experiencing the miracle of guppy-birth, I’m out of my element and seem to be in a tricky situation.

This little girl has been pregnant for over a month - she’s so big now she looks like she’s going to explode. Just today, between turning on the lights and right now, she’s developed a bright pink bulge coming out of her cloaca. (is that what fish have?)


A quick google search suggests she’s prolapsing due to abdominal pressure - which I’m pretty sure is due to the massive load of bebbies she’s holding onto. There’s been no change in behavior the last few days to indicate illness, and she was eating just fine this morning (I feed a mixture of Hikari guppy/Xtreme krill flakes/Coop easy fry food).

Is there anything I can do for this little lady? Thanks for the help 🙏

@Colu gave great advice and salts do wonders with guppies 

I would like to help figure out what may have lead to this so it is less likely to happen again. Sometimes prolapse is unavoidable with pregnant guppies, but you said a few things that made me curious.

How long has it been since she last gave birth? The reason I ask is that guppies are able to hold their fry in for a variety of reasons. It's possible this is why she is so large and prolapsed. It's also possible she just has a large group of Littles who are stressing out mommas organs too much. I just wanna make sure it's not the first. If she is holding them in then that can be an emergency situation that could kill her. 

Just for speed sake I'm gonna go through steps you can take assuming she is holding them in. 

1.  Make sure she has places to hide and feel safe. Most importantly near the top of the tank. Floating plants work amazingly amazingly this. If you do not have live plants you can buy fake floating plants or simulate one with a floating spawning mop. There are tons of youtube videos on how to make those out of yarn. 

2.  Make sure parameters are solid. Some females are more finicky than others and get picky about the water parameters. Make sure you have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 20 or less nitrate. 

3.  Watch to see if she is being harassed by another fish, especially male guppies. A little bit of attention from male guppies can encourage her to give birth, but too much does the opposite. Where I see this line is if you notice her go to the top of the tank and chill for a bit, then the male forces her away from her spot, that is too much male attention. I never recommend isolating or moving the female as this can cause other issues, but you can move the offending fish. Some females handle this better than others. They are individuals. With the same level of harassment, i have 1 female that gives birth just fine and will even chase the male away from her. My other female will not give birth unless I move the male for the night. 

4.  Turn the lights down and avoid watching too much. The 2nd part of that can be hard. It's exciting and you wanna watch. The more she feels watched, the less she will feel her babies are safe to put out into the world. I like to say the females don't give birth, the babies just appear through a portal from the other universe. It's actually kinda exciting to look at your tank and go "wait a minute!  What's that?!"

Any other questions feel free. I hope things are going well. It's possible this isn't her issue but I wanted to pass along that info just in case!

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Thank you for the tips!

I don’t know if this is her first clutch or not, she may have given birth before I took in this trio. She wasn’t pregnant when she arrived so I think she may have been a juvenile back in the latter half of March. 

As far as hiding spots go there are three large flotillas of dwarf water lettuce in the tank, as well as a gangly nest of HC Japans, where she’ll occasionally perch about. I’ve noticed that when she’s isolated herself the two males I have will generally leave her be.I swear I’ve seen one of the other females flit up and run interference when a males bothered her under the canopy.

The parameters have been steady up until a week ago, when I added a small handful of aragonite to the gravel substrate - this brought the GH from ~75 to ~100 where it’s subsequently stabilized. Ammonia and nitrites are clear, however I’ve got nitrates at ~40 - I’ll dial those back to 20 and see if that helps her.

I’m probably over-watching! And over feeding, for sure. As the tanks in my room I find myself mesmerized throughout the day, stuck sitting for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. I’m watching the tank as I type… I’ll give her some privacy! And some security when the breeding box comes in tomorrow.

Oh, and an update: after the first epsom salt soak (10 minutes, .5 tbsp/1 gallon) the prolapse retreated ~70% and a second soak 5 hours later appears to have it fully rescinded! So a huge thank you to you all for helping this little Lady out! I’m sure she’s not out of the woods yet, so I shall remain diligent! 🙏

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I hope she drops fry soon. I would continue with baths and maybe give her some deshelled peas to help things move along. I feed my girls peas once a week after a 24hr fast in their tank on Sundays. Certain strains really need that purge cycle. I have since stopped keeping guppy strains that have these digestive issues with the females.

Hope she keeps getting better.





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I’ll incorporate that into their diet, would you also suggest fasting them once a week? As of now I feed them whenever they ask, which is always. Never more than they can finish but, yeah, they eatin’. 

As for an update, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that the prolapse seems to have settled back into her body overnight. The bad news is that she seems to have developed a fungal infection where the wound was?


The area seems coated in a white fuzz… And there’s a long string trailing behind her - not sure what that is, it doesn’t seem to move on its own so I don’t think it’s a parasite…

Going to start searching for the proper treatment, any recommendations or protocols would be greatly appreciated. Should I continue with the epsom salt baths if this is a fungal infection? Or ick or what have you? I’m way out of my element.

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I'm wondering...is that part of her intestine coming out the back end? I mean yes it could be fungus but I'm wondering if it's intestine and fungus. I'd keep doing the salt baths that can only help the fungus. It's definitely not Ich, that's a whole different ballgame (parasite that translates in a totally different way). Do you have aquarium salt? I might put a little in the tank. 

It could also be stringy poo. 

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I didn’t want to say it but that’s what it looks like 😞 It’s strange, there was no sign of it last night, I would imagine the prolapse would be visible still if it were her intestines…

I only have the pure epsom salt on hand, but I can try to get some aquarium salt today. The tank is planted, so should I move her into a jury rigged hospital tank for the salt treatment? 

The strange thing is there’s been no change in her behavior - still eating voraciously, swimming just fine, no frantic breathing or fluttering of fins or shimmying (I’ve heard that’s a thing).

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All of my tanks are planted and I've never had an issue with basic levels of aquarium salt killing plants (the amount recommended on the salt container usually a per gallon measurement). If you end up having to increase salt levels it is a consideration to move her. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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I fast all of my tanks one day a week. Except my shrimp colony or if I'm trying to get a specific species to spawn.

As for your big lady, that appears to be prolapse to me. The string may be mucus. I can't tell for sure though. I would continue with Epsom baths.  and add 1tbsp of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of water into the tank she's resting in.

I'm sorry that your first guppy pregnancy experience is this. It's not a super common issue, but it happens.

Edited by Minanora
Autocorrect... And fixed my advice
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Ah, good to know! I’ll pick up some salt on my way back from the gym then 🙏


I wish I could get some better pictures, but it’s hard to snap solid resolution shots with this dinosaur phone. And thank you for your concern! I don’t mind, I hope she pulls through and I’ll do what I can to help but these things happen. I’d rather have my first experience be a white-knuckle-r! So every other seems like smooth sailing in comparison 🥴

The area this morning is translucent, and the edges are very ‘soft’ and fuzzy, as opposed to the hard lines of bulge last night. Edit: The string following her on the other hand seems solid, and on closer inspection seems to attach right to the tip of that fuzzy bulge. It’s hard to tell if it runs through that mass or if it’s trailing off of it, as the string becomes sort of translucent itself the closer it gets to her body.

Are you suggesting I add epsom salt to the tank or aquarium salt?

And with regards to adding salt to a tank, how soon should I start changing out the water to remove it? Or should I leave some level of salt indefinitely and replace what’s siphoned out during a water change? I do a 20% change weekly at the moment.

The tanks inhabitants are 5 guppies, 10+ sakura shrimp, and a mystery snail for reference. I’ve read that guppies dig a bit of salt but I don’t know how the latter inhabitants will handle it.

Thanks again y’all, you rock! 👊

Edited by KungFuKoi-ish
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I generally leave my tanks with the 1tbsp to 5g ratio. Sometimes I forget to add more after I do a water change. Right now there's none in my 75 actually. But I usually have salt in my tanks at all times.

I just fixed my post with the salt advice. I didn't realize I wasn't specific. I'm in my own head a lot. Sorry! 😂

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On 5/9/2022 at 2:05 AM, KungFuKoi-ish said:

nitrates at ~40 - I’ll dial those back to 20 and see if that helps her.

40 isn't too terrible but some individuals are more picky than others 

On 5/9/2022 at 2:05 AM, KungFuKoi-ish said:

I’m probably over-watching!

It's so easy to do. Even my less skittish female will run away if I watch her too closely. 


On 5/9/2022 at 12:27 PM, KungFuKoi-ish said:

would you also suggest fasting them once a week?

This is a good practice for all fish. It doesn't just help clear their system a little but also encourages them to "clean up" around the tank that day. Left over food, built up algae, and micro organisms we can't see are all food sources for days you don't feed. 

On 5/9/2022 at 12:27 PM, KungFuKoi-ish said:

Or ick or what have you?

It's def not ick. My female guppy showed something exactly like this a few days ago. I asked many many people in different forums and Facebook groups and never got a definitive answer. If you end up getting one let me know! Mine has since declined pretty bad. She has become pale and is constantly resting in decor. She is also over due to have babies yet is nowhere near the size I would expect for being that far along. My best guess is parasite so I treated with paracleanse yesterday. Again, I can't be sure this is the answer but I wanted to try since she is doing so badly. Plus, if it is parasites, the whole tank would need treatment so I just did it. I can let you know if this helps her improve. 


On 5/9/2022 at 12:41 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I'm wondering...is that part of her intestine coming out the back end?

That's very possible considering she had a prolapse just before. I do question the color. Aren't prolapse usually pinkish in color? I'm by no means an expert in this but that was my understanding. 

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So! Update: She’s as lively as ever, and when fishing her out to place her in the breeder box I just received that little puff of fuzz and that string just popped right off of her. Unfortunately, it was swept up by the current and I’ve lost track of it in the tank, I was really hoping to take a good look at it…

So that trailing string was probably just mucus, as there’s no visible wound where the fuzz detached. So now she has privacy and security, and if I need to remove her from the tank it’ll be way less stressful on her!


As an aside: I haven’t had time to add the salt to the aquarium, planning on doing that tonight after jiu jitsu. Do I add the salt all at once? Or should I add it a tablespoon at a time to allow the shrimp time to acclimate?

Thanks again for all the information, and the well wishes! ❤️

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