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How often do you feed your fish?

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I have 8.  How often depends on age, breeding status, eating behaviors.  I target feed all my fish aging depending on the previous criteria. Flake I mix 5-6 types together food saver the bulk. Granules and wafers I do random varieties but no set days just try to do different ones rotating. Veggies are rotated based on what I’m steaming for hubby and I to eat.  Green beans would cause a revolt in my plecos, snails and guppies if I did not feed those often enough. 

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1.) I've downsized gradually and am finally down to only 2 tanks!

2.) I feed my community tank once every other day. I usually fast the whole weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and feed Monday Wednesday Friday. After inquiring about goldfish care on this forum, I decided to feed my fancy goldfish and white cloud minnows at least once a day. If I catch him nibbling on the hornwort in his tank I will end up feeding him twice that day. 

3.) I don't target feed, but I've always kept community tanks with nocturnal fish so I always feed right before bed and turn the lights out. The honeycomb catfish I keep specifically will only eat at night with the lights out, so it's a must. image.jpeg.5b9c48bcaffde90c992f73f338b3865f.jpeg

4.) I usually feed the same thing everyday: General flakes bought from my LFS, betta and shrimp pellets mixed, and bottom feeder pellets for my community tank, and a 
"veggie lover's" flake with garlic for my goldfish tank. Sometimes I will throw in a couple algae wafers and cut back on the pellets that night. About once or twice a month when I remember I have them, I throw in some frozen food. The community tank will get bloodworms sometimes, or brine shrimp and tubifex worms. I always feed the bloodworms by themselves, because even if I mix anything else with them they won't touch the other stuff! And I will feed my goldfish brine shrimp or the tubifex worms, but no bloodworms. 

Edited by hannah662parker
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1. How many tanks do you have?

I only have room for one main tank a 55 gallon  and one quarantine tank 20 gallons  

2. How many times a day do you feed? 

I only feed   Once every other day.  And  1 of those food days is a treat day. When I started my fish guy said to have 1 Fasting Day for the fish, it was better for their digestive. But Every other day is good for mine. They are healthy and happy and it is less mess 

3. Do you, or have you ever, target fed some species in the AM, some in the PM hours after the lights go out?

I mostly feed them in the evening  and I drop their Rapashy food  or algae at night before bed, they eat better after the lights are off 

4. Do you feed certain foods on certain days? The same thing every day?

I mostly feed them flake food some of my  tetra will not eat anything but flake I have 2 kinds of flakes  , and  Bug bites bottom feeders  pellets &  algae wafers .. One of my  food days  is a treat day   of Rapashy 1-2 small cubes for my cories & snails  , a Zucchini, Spinach or Cucumber  wedge for my snails and pelco  and for my few top fish a 1  small cube of freeze-dried worms ( if I had a fish store close by  would get frozen) 

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I guess what and how often depends on what I am trying to do.

Grow out fry, condition for spawn, Newly hatch fry or just wanting to curve aggressive fish.  So unless getting ready  to bag  fish I would guess at least dry food twice a day and live or frozen at least once.  

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