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White spots on face


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Does anyone have any idea what these white spots are? The fish have all been in this tank for several months. I just noticed the spots the other day. They could’ve been there a while and I just didn’t see 🤷🏻‍♂️  

Water Parameters:

  • pH 7.2 
  • Nitrates 20
  • Hardness 150
  • Nitrite 0
  • Ammonia 0 
  • KH/Buffer 120
  • Water Temperature 79





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That looks like Columnaris I would treat with kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone together following this treatment schedule it can spread very quickly so you want to start treatment as soon as possible


Edited by Colu
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On 4/27/2022 at 8:52 AM, Colu said:

That looks like Columnaris I would treat with kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone together following this treatment schedule it can spread very quickly so you want to start treatment as soon as as possible


Ugh I’ve been scared of columnaris since getting in to the hobby. 

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Columnaris is very treatable. I would follow Colu's rec above. I have treated it successfully that way (using Furan 2 instead of Jungle fizz when it was available). I have also used API Triple Sulfa a couple of times when the above rec wasn't successful.

I would get on the treatment sooner than later. I had one case of Columnaris develop into mouth rot, and although I was lucky and able to save the fish, her mouth is permanently deformed and she can only eat certain foods, with a level of difficulty.

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On 4/26/2022 at 6:14 PM, Phillip said:

Does anyone have any idea what these white spots are? The fish have all been in this tank for several months. I just noticed the spots the other day. They could’ve been there a while and I just didn’t see 🤷🏻‍♂️  

Water Parameters:

  • pH 7.2 
  • Nitrates 20
  • Hardness 150
  • Nitrite 0
  • Ammonia 0 
  • KH/Buffer 120
  • Water Temperature 79





Are your swordtails kohaku swordtail?

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