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What are these specs on my driftwood?


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I have a heavily planted 75g tiger barb tank that is also running C02. I have 31 toger barbs, lots of mystery snails, nerites, a few kuhli loaches and a few cherry barbs as well (they're only in there because former inhabitants laid eggs without me knowing and managed to survive). 
Was looking at my tank today and noticed these white circular specs in a few areas of my driftwood. The driftwood has been in there since I started the tank back in December and I have no clue what it is. Ideas?



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On 4/22/2022 at 12:27 PM, StockEwe49 said:

No problem! I am sure someone here has experience with the eggs. But as far as I know the only way to prevent it is to only buy male nerites.

I mean, Im sure something will eat it eventually.. kuhlis or something else. If not I’ll just scrape them off. My real egg issue if my mysteries.. I thought I had collected all the clutches… then woke up to atleast 100 baby snails 😂

  • Haha 3
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