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I melted my plants!

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Hello all! I recently transferred my two bettas from a split 10 gal to their own 6 gal cubes, and in the process of moving over their tank contents I accidentally left all the plants out and they dried up. I didn’t realize this was a problem until recently (thanks to Lizzie for the recent video), so now my plants are melting away.

One crypt wendeti has already melted and my anubias gold coin has started losing leaves. The edges of my dwarf saggitaria are also turning transparent. Is there any hope in saving my plants?

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I had this happen.... 😕

I was moving, put everything in the bucket to drive down to the new location, then realized I was so worried about the fish that I completely forgot about the plants.  They were "crispy" especially because by the time I realized it I had been setting up tubs and it had been a few hours. 

Rehydrate them, give them time to slowly get back to life, start over with lowered light settings and light dose to give the plants the best change to come back (not the algae) and if you have them.... as many amano shrimp as you can get in there with them is best.

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On 4/16/2022 at 11:30 AM, Patrick_G said:

Do you mean they dried out a bit while you were setting up the new tank, or the completely dried up as in crispy dry? 

Crispy dry… they were out of the water just sitting on a towel for a few hours.

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