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Fluval Flex 15 stocking Idea


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Option 1 Hellboy betta with either cherry barbs or panda corydoras think 6 or 7 of either or if I can do more ? or another good combo? 

Option 2 a all nano tank what good combos ? 

substarate Brightwell XF/Fine  Amix Rio Escuro 

water parameters around 6.5 to 7  low TDS







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On 4/13/2022 at 6:31 PM, Leo2o915 said:

Option 1 Hellboy betta with either cherry barbs or panda corydoras think 6 or 7 of either or if I can do more ? or another good combo? 

Even the betta imbellis can't be counted on to be 100% compatible. Personalities are widely variable... so if you really want a betta be prepared to have a single inhabitant, or possibly a horned nerite plus a betta.

For a 15 gallon, I personally prefer a larger school of nano fish for both tank health and visual interest. I also prefer to have a really healthy ecosystem with microfauna before adding fish to a tank, which is much easier to do with a more heavily planted tank. You are off to a great start! Here's one of my pico tanks I have been working on since Feb, it isn't quite ready for inhabitants yet:


From back at teh end of Feb, after a little growth (excuse the wax paper background, this was my scape from scraps, and I didn't have backing window film left)


Natural light last week.



Right now.

It's much easier to move things around and fine tune the hardscape and the plants before the fish go in, especially with smaller tanks.

What are your tank parameters? I tend to choose fish based on the parameters the tank stabilizes at, as hardscape, quantity of plants, and ferts needed to keep the plants happy can change the water parameters.

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On 4/13/2022 at 7:14 PM, Torrey said:

Even the betta imbellis can't be counted on to be 100% compatible. Personalities are widely variable... so if you really want a betta be prepared to have a single inhabitant, or possibly a horned nerite plus a betta.

For a 15 gallon, I personally prefer a larger school of nano fish for both tank health and visual interest. I also prefer to have a really healthy ecosystem with microfauna before adding fish to a tank, which is much easier to do with a more heavily planted tank. You are off to a great start! Here's one of my pico tanks I have been working on since Feb, it isn't quite ready for inhabitants yet:


From back at teh end of Feb, after a little growth (excuse the wax paper background, this was my scape from scraps, and I didn't have backing window film left)


Natural light last week.



Right now.

It's much easier to move things around and fine tune the hardscape and the plants before the fish go in, especially with smaller tanks.

What are your tank parameters? I tend to choose fish based on the parameters the tank stabilizes at, as hardscape, quantity of plants, and ferts needed to keep the plants happy can change the water parameters.

Ph around 6.5 tds 150 range 

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On 4/14/2022 at 8:39 AM, Leo2o915 said:

Ph around 6.5 tds 150 range 

In a 15 gallon, at that pH (and not allow much higher TDS), a pair of  kribensis or apistograma would do nicely, or a large school (12 to 20) of tetras (Glo Lite, Head & tail light, Black neon, lemon, serpae or rummynose) or 2 smaller groups of fish (afore-mentioned tetras in 2 species groups of 6 to 10 fish each), or you could keep a pair of rams if you want a really warm tank (close to same temps to properly care for a betta, but you could have a pair instead of a single betta): 


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