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I've lurked on the forum for quite a while, then I finally joined last month. I thought I should introduce myself now that I hit 100 posts.

As a kid, I had two slate bottom chrome frame 10g aquariums on a picnic table under a tree in the backyard. When I wasn't keeping toads, lizards, or snakes, I had wild caught fish (mostly mosquito fish) in the tanks. No filters, no airstones, no lids (but sometimes a screen cover to keep out unwanted animals). I had some wild caught rocks for substrate and whatever plants I could find. It was constantly in flux, just whatever I was interested in (or could catch) at the time. 

When I moved out on my own, I got myself a 55g with a wrought iron stand and 2x 10g on the shelf down below. I did a lot of experimentation with that 55g. UGF, HOB, canister, UGF as pre-filter for HOB or canister, and reverse flow UGF fed by a canister. I also experimented with all kinds of fish. Over time, life happens, and I got away from the hobby. I did keep all my equipment out in the garage. Years later I gave almost everything to a friend whose kids wanted an aquarium.

Fast forward to a few years ago. I found myself in need of a therapy tank. I picked up a 37g kit and kept wild caught fish for a little over a year. I was always fighting algae, and eventually the tank crashed with a bloom of multiple types of algae. I restarted with better filtration and lighting.

That was three months ago. Since then a friend gave me a single red neo shrimp as a tease. It survived in my tank, and got my interest, so I picked up a 20long for a shrimp tank. I also got a 10g for a QT.

As it stands now I have:

37g with 8 harlequin rasboras, 6 zebra and leopard danios, 1 SAE, 1 red neo shrimp, and 1 green neo shrimp. I still want to get some panda garra and odessa barbs, but waiting for the LFS to get some in stock.

20long with 12 red neo shrimp and more than I can count mystery fry. I think they may be zebra danio that I used to cycle the tank, but I have been told they don't appear to swim like a danio. I'll have to wait until they are larger to know.

10g QT with wild caught least killifish that were to go in the shrimp tank before the mystery fry hatched out. The least killifish have dropped a few fry while in quarantine.

So now I have to figure out what to do with the mystery fry in the shrimp tank so I can free up the QT.

Edited by Widgets
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Thank you for sharing your story.  I miss the simple days as a kid with a tank and catching things from the creek. No worries no gizmos no filters no lights and timers and tests and balancing. I did have an airstone though. I worry over little things now that just were not part of the hobby back in the day. It was so stress free. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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