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Do I have a pregnant fish?


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Good morning fish lovers!! I just noticed that one of our fish has gotten really big...and the one that is sticking by its side seems to have changed  colors a little! Do we have a momma to be out do we have something else going on? Please dont bash me for not knowing...we've had a fish tank for years just never actually seen any of our fish give birth! I have only found a couple of fry over the years and fortunately saved them! Thank you in advance for your help!! 😊



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On 3/10/2022 at 8:20 AM, Fish Folk said:

Good possibility! You’ve got a pair, it appears (see photo with markup below)


Before you know it, you’ll have hundreds 😂

Should I try to separate her from the tank? Or just try to keep an eye out for babies?

@Fish Folkthank you for the markup and reply! 

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Hi. Welcome to the forum. Folks here are really nice and are not the “bashing” type. The dark spot you see in front of the flared anal fin on her belly is the gravid spot. It enlarges when when she has been fertilized and the fry grow. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 3/10/2022 at 9:04 AM, chrispam2014 said:

@Guppysnailthank you for your reply! I've been in other aquarium groups in the past and have seen and received some not so friendly responses when asking questions! Glad to find a spot that is friendly and helpful!! ❤

This site is well moderated by some fantastic folks. The site guidelines are to be kind and helpful. Meanness is just not tolerated here. I won’t touch other forums but love this one. 

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On 3/10/2022 at 7:04 AM, chrispam2014 said:

@Guppysnailthank you for your reply! I've been in other aquarium groups in the past and have seen and received some not so friendly responses when asking questions! Glad to find a spot that is friendly and helpful!! ❤

Sadly, it happens. Try to remember that healthy people don't treat each other that way, and it is NOT a reflection on you.

Welcome to the forum! 

You will see ORD a lot, meaning Out of Reactions for the Day. ORD ❤️ 

Most females don't really like to be moved around, much easier to add some live plants and let them float. Even stem plants, when floating, will grow roots and provide hiding spots for fry. The more hiding spots, the more fry you will discover grow up to have more fry. Luckily, the plants like to grow in direct proportion to the fish population, so it's generally a win-win? Right up until you discover how many times a livebearer can drop fry, and it only takes the offspring about 3 months (in a warm tank) to hit maturity.

Of course, I heard lowering temps would slow the growth and the time between fry. I can attest that lower temps do slow maturation. I have seen zero decrease in the length of time between fry dropping.

So, reach out to your local fish stores and see which one is willing to pay you cash for fish. Lay the foundation now for a good working relationship, and you won't have to scramble later. I know you said you haven't had much success with them in the past, it looks like that might be changing. Congratulations on the soon to arrive babies!

(If you don't want to deal with a bunch of babies, just don't give them much cover to hide. If you do want to try your hand at it, your female can drop fry almost every 4 weeks, and  one mating can yield 4 drops with 6 to 30 fry each. The drops get bigger as she gets older, larger, and more efficient at growing fry.)

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