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Keeping Blue Green Algae Away

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Hey all,

I have a consistent blue green algae issue in my tank. I’ve blacked it out which helped tremendously. However, when I started giving the aquarium 6hrs of light it came back. So I’m considering treating it because I’d like to have a planted tank. Once I treat the tank, how do I keep the blue green algae away? I feed flake food once per day, zuchinni for my ottos every other day, and 1/2 an algae wafer every day

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On 3/7/2022 at 3:50 PM, Zac said:

Hey all,

I have a consistent blue green algae issue in my tank. I’ve blacked it out which helped tremendously. However, when I started giving the aquarium 6hrs of light it came back. So I’m considering treating it because I’d like to have a planted tank. Once I treat the tank, how do I keep the blue green algae away? I feed flake food once per day, zuchinni for my ottos every other day, and 1/2 an algae wafer every day

Co-Op has a great article published on this:


Hope that helps! I have one aquarium that struggles with cyano a bit too. I keep it warm, and it probably gets too much light + food. I think hitting it with meds like the article describes is part of the solution. 

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I would try spot treating with 15ml hydrogen peroxide per 10 gallons. Turn off all your filters for 10 minutes, then paint the infected area with the hydrogen peroxide (using a syringe) and wait 20 minutes. You will see lots of bubbles during that 20-minute period time. Once the 20 minutes expires, turn your filters back on and you should be good to go. You can repeat this process every 24 hours.

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