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Co-op test strips

Sweet T

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So I bought the 200 test strips from A.C. and they're giving me reading I've never got before with the tetra test strips or the API liquid test kit. 

My normal reading front the tetra and the liquid are;

Ph: 7.8-8

Gh: 300+ ppm

Kh: 180 ppm

Nitrite: 0

Ammonia: 0

Nitrate: 20-30 ppm

But with the Co-op test strips I get what is seen in the picture. Do I have a faulty eyes or a faulty test kit??

Thanks in advance!


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I have used api liquid, coop strips, seachem reagent, and a few others. I do not chase parameters (ph kh gh etc) so do not take action based on them unless they are extremely out of whack then I check my test against others and change water as appropriate. I only take action for any amount of nitrite and ammonia being present means instant water change. That being said I find it most helpful to get a feel for where each test consistently reads for my tanks. Consistency gives me the most info vs scientifically accurate to the Nth degree, so I know when something is out of sorts. I can barely discern the colors on the liquid and depending on how the light hits it reads different so there again consistency is my friend. I find the coop strips very consistent and accurate on nitrate (maybe a hair low but consistently a hair low and not enough to fret about). The ease of use is beyond wonderful as well. I hope that helps and did not make things more confusing. 

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Your parameters are virtually identical to mine with the exception of a bit higher Kh. My strips come out very similar - but be sure to read after a full minute, something I wasn't doing initially. My nitrates always read lower than I think they are, but the API kit is the same. I'm like guppysnail though and use these for checking consistency and anything that seems out of whack more than super accuracy, and keep the API kit more in reserve as a result. At that price point I feel free to check as often as seems warranted, especially when cycling up something new.

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Yeah I don't try chasing parameters, and I jus go with consistency also. What got me, is the reading of my pH being lower that 7 on the coop strips when It's a steady 7.8-8. And my buffer/kh reading 0 when it sits at atleast 80-120 ppm. Everything else seems to be matched with all my other test kits, except those two. I'll add another picture of the same tank being tested today.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having the same issue. My readings from API master test kits are almost identical to Sweet T and these strips are way off. I can’t even read my GH, color doesn’t even come close to the chart. Apparently these strips are not very accurate. 

i had added master test kit reading for ph.  I would read coops ph at 6.8 and master test kit at 8.0  it’s not even close?? These are under exact same lighting  




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@Sweet T something is off about your strips. Each square should be a consistent color. There’s a chance the water may be running or droplets may be splashing from one pad to another. I made a video about that for another member some time back to show how the colors change if the pads cross contaminate each other.


@James221077 That color you’re getting for the GH means your GH is way higher than the scale they used for the card. The more blue the GH pad, the lower the GH; the more pink the pad, the higher the GH. You apparently both have 300+ GH, but yours must be WAY over 300!

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I get strange results on GH too. The color sometimes doesn’t match any of the colors on the chart. My guess is some incorrectly calibrated paper is being used. 

Cory did a members video on the subject and correctly pointed out that the only way to test the calibration of the strips is against solutions of a know value, and not using other test kits. 

Edited by Patrick_G
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GH on my co-op test strips is impossible to read on my tests. Of course my GH is like.... 400 out of the tap right now and is going to get even worse by the week. We're struggling with local municipal well draws so we're pulling up liquid rock and it's not even summer yet.

Even My RO water is at like 60 TDS. Even with 4 stage. 😞 I can't filter efficiently without wasting water so this is life for me.

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