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Please HELP! Sick Betta!


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Hey everyone! New member here! Parameters below. I could really, really use some input and help here! I am so worried, and not exactly sure what to do here. 3 days ago, I noticed that Betta Jr had 2 white dots (that resembled grains of salt) on his head behind his right eye. I inspected his body, and saw what I thought were tiny little specs on his pectoral fins. But it was hard to tell. I immediately suspected ich. That next morning I went to my local fish store, showed them a video, and I was getting multiple answers. From Methylene blue, to rapid cure, to metro plex and to raise the temperature. Ended up deciding on rapid cure and raising the temperature. (Although I did buy the methylene blue and already have metro plex on hand) 2 nights ago, I dosed the rapid cure per the instructions on the back. And raised the temp to 81-81 over the day into night. He seemed to be ok the first few hours, but by the next morning it was like it went from bad to worse quick! All of his fins are looking bad, like fin rot, the spots didn't really improve, and there was another on the other side. He became very lethargic, basically holding himself up at the bottom of the tank by laying against something, but kept almost falling onto his side. And his eyes started to cloud! So, I decided to do a 75% water change, and lowered the temp to what he is used to, around 79-80 and he immediately seemed to perk up and swim around and seemed to have some life back in him. But, a bit later he just went down to the bottom of the tank again, and goes to the top of the tank for air every few mins. I called the fish store again, and he recommended I put aquarium salt in the tank 1tbsp for his 6gal tank, (measured as 5 because of decorations, gravel etc) and I added some almond extract. And so he's been in this for the last few hours, but no improvement as of yet. Sorry this is so long winded, I just love this little guy, and will do anything to help him!! Any input or suggestions?? Would be so much appreciated!! 

6 gallon tank with sponge filter and mechanical filter that has been Betta modified (filter has been recently removed)

Current Ph- 7.0  /before 75% change 7.0

Current Ammonia 0   /before 75%change 0

Current Nitrates 0.    /Before 75%change 0

Current Nitrites 0  /before 75% change 1.0ppm (I know! It's never been like this) 

Use prime, ph 7.0, stability, stress coat and recently added almond leaf extract




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Here's my .02 cents:

Do your best not to panic, and change a million things. (I know...it can be difficult.) From the pics, I don't see Ick, but it does look like some fin rot may be present. Why?....probably stress from the nitrites, as you had 1.0ppm prior to the water change. It looks like your tank may not be cycled, as you have 0 nitrates. So clean, fresh water should help the situation.

The fish can certainly undergo stress with the presence of ammonia or nitrites. So your best first step would be to keep both at 0, or as close to 0 as you can. Rather than do a large 75% change, it may be better to do 2 smaller 50% changes in the AM and PM. Smaller water changes change things more gradually. Remember, stability is what you are aiming for. Prime can help detox any Ammonia/Nitrite (subject to debate)that may be present as well.

Throughout the above, I would add the salt as recommended. Remember, when you water change, only replace the amount of salt you removed. And remember to dechlorinate. I don't have a betta, but I always read good things about the almond leaves.

You can also add an extra air stone. When you raised the temp, and you saw the fish struggle a bit more, it could be because higher temps can "require" more oxygen.

Between the salt and the fresh, clean water, and extra air, I think the fin rot can start to heal in very short order.

And remember...try not to stress. You got this!

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Thank you very much for your response. There has definitely been a cycling issue. I have 2 larger tanks with Cichlids and Rainbow fish, and haven't had these cycling issues. About 2 months ago, there was an awful, absolutely terrible sulfur smell coming from the Bettas tank. I tried to do water changes, vacuum all of the gravel, pretty much do anything I know to do, to get the smell to go away. It was so bad you could smell it throughout the room. Come to find out, there was a small plant that had died, and it's the only thing I can think of that caused it (no longer have live plants in this tank) so, I ended up buying cycled water from the local store and it took about a month, but I finally saw no ammonia and the nitrates were just barely there, so I thought it was cycled. And then, just like that the nitrites spiked and it scared me, so I did a water change and they drastically went down, but we're still present. About .25 And a day or two later, I'm in this situation with him. I will absolutely take your advice, and I can't tell you thank you enough. I am really worried, but am going to try to relax and not stress out. The air bubbler that is in there now, is going pretty strong, I moved it to the middle, in the hopes that it will bring more oxygen. It's only 6 gallons, do you think I should still add another? Should I be concerned with him going up to the top every few mins for air? One other question.. is it better to have the lid on it, or slightly off? Like an inch or so. Someone had mentioned gases and how they can't escape or something. Thank you again!! You really calmed me down. Lol 


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As for the bubbler, I would try it. Bettas don't like much flow, but an airstone or two  shouldn't add much flow. I actually have 2 sponge filters in a 5.5 gallon hospital tank, and the aeration is welcome. (It's not bettas, though). Try it. I doubt it would hurt, and given his behavior, there's a solid chance it could help.

It sounds like you overreacted (It's okay....we all do it) when you had that smell, and shook the tree quite a bit. Don't worry, you are on the path back to stability. It is actually a good thing to recognize where the problem may have originated, to prevent it in the future.

Add the salt, and the airstone. Keep that nitrite down. Don't overfeed. (You can add a bit of Maracyn to the food if you'd like, but I'd leave that to plan B if the fin rot doesn't improve, as Maracyn can harm the beneficial bacteria, especially of a non-mature tank). I think you'll see improvement soon.

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Thank you both so much! I have the sponge filter bubbler set to the highest setting and there is a good bit of movement in the tank, but I will add another one. He seems to be looking a bit better today though! The cloudiness in his eyes has improved. But, still hanging out at the bottom of the tank. He does swim around every once in awhile, but it's only for a few seconds then goes back down to the bottom. I added 1tablespoon of salt (that's all that has been added since I did the large water change) do you think I should add anymore? I am so afraid to add anything now, he was on the brink of death! I feel like he's stable now, but definitely super lethargic. I did put one small pellet of food in, just to see and he ate it. But, that's the first time in 2 days he's eaten and I don't know if he has any digestive problems so I won't add anymore food right now. 

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Hey OurfFishBabies,

     I got your direct message, and I am sorry to hear he isn't getting better. I am replying here in hopes that our resident "doc" Colu  @Colu chimes in, as he has alot of experience w/different issues, and offers great advice.

If you can, please post current water parameters, and temp. If you can, post another pic. He could be dealing with a worse case of fin rot than expected, where a  medicine like Kanaplex can really help. Water parameters and instability could be the ultimate cause, but it could take time to get back in the right direction.

I have my fingers crossed.

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If he's still eating I would recommend treating with kanaplex in food and salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons the salt will add essential electrolytes and aid Gill function if he's not eating I would dose the tank with kanaplex following the instructions on the box




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On 2/13/2022 at 12:19 AM, OurfFishBabies said:

Thank you both SO very much!! I will post pictures and parameters shortly. He is not eating. I do not have Kanaplex yet, but it is on the way and I should get it by tomorrow. I can pick up Maracyn locally, if that would help at all. I have already added the salt. It's been in there for 2 days now. I have also added Betta leaves. 

Maracyn only effective at treating external infection unless it's added to food kanaplex is a more broad spectrum antibiotic that adsorbed thought the skin and gills of fish it's a good antibiotic for when fish aren't eating

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Ph 7.0

Ammonia 0

Nitrates 0

Nitrites 0

Temp 78.5


OK, thank you for letting me know that Maracyn. It seems like a lot of his external problems are healing, but maybe he has something internal going on? He is swimming oddly. And seems to be a bit bloated, near his pectoral fins and also towards his tail. I tried to upload a video, but it wouldn't let me, but he swims wiggly and wobbly. 




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You're doing the best you can for him. For now, keep up with the smaller water changes (temperature matched) to keep ammonia and nitrite at 0. Continue adding salt to replace what was lost by the water changes. And Kanaplex would be the go-to med of choice, if you can.

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Sorry to hear that the antibiotic treatment will take a couple of days to start having an effect if he going downhill very quickly it might be to late I would add another air stone as he's breathing heavily add small amount of salt as it helps with Gill function just keep a close eye on if you think he's suffering you can use clove oil to humanly euthanize him

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@ColuI appreciate that. I will add another air stone. Would a dip in methylene blue, be beneficial at all? Would you do a water change? I know it says on the back of the Kanaplex to dose once every 2 days, if I try to add some in brine shrimp, focus and garlic and add that to the tank, would that be an issue as far as overdosing goes? I'm just willing to try anything basically. I just ran out of salt, but will get some. 

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I think methylene blue drip would just stress him out more in his weaken state you can do daily water changes redose the kanaplex and you could try feeding a small amount of kanaplex in food as well at this point what have you  got to lose

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I still have my fingers crossed. Kanaplex can very effective, but can be pretty strong up front, especially for a weak fish. But, in my opinion, there is a point where you have to throw caution to the wind, as time is not always on your side when treating a sick fish. I think you not only are doing everything you can, but you are doing it in a rational and incremental fashion. Some folks do everything they can, but they do it within a 10 minute window, and it does way more harm than good. Just keep on the mission, knowing you are doing your best.

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@quikv6thank you so much! It's been tough to say the least. I am still holding hope that maybe he'll make a turn around. I just wish so badly he would eat. I did try getting him to eat blood worms with garlic too, and he wasn't having it. As you said, I really hope that I caught it in time..but if not, at least I know I tried everything I could do, and learned a lot. 

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