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Suggestions for 3 gallon


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We need some ideas, people!

We have a 3 gallon tank that is standing empty.  We don't want to go with another betta, and we have done Celestial Pearl Danios before, so we would like something a little different.

We have a shrimp colony in another tank, and snails everywhere.

Another constraint is that we don't have ready access to live food, so peapuffers would be difficult.


Any ideas?  The empty tank is sad, and we want to bring it back to life!

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My mum's has 2 with 1 nerite and there were bladder snails but we're thinking either they committed suicide or maybe the frogs??? This is the tank more recently. there have been no parameter issues. I had her start with target feeding tubifex and bloodworms and she never stopped they come to the front of the tank for it, it's adorable. They're so goofy. Zero parameter issues, bioload seems perfect. People usually suggest bigger on some sites but they don't seem to move A LOT just periodically.



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On 2/7/2022 at 7:38 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

My mum's has 2 with 1 nerite and there were bladder snails but we're thinking either they committed suicide or maybe the frogs??? This is the tank more recently. there have been no parameter issues. I had her start with target feeding tubifex and bloodworms and she never stopped they come to the front of the tank for it, it's adorable. They're so goofy. Zero parameter issues, bioload seems perfect. People usually suggest bigger on some sites but they don't seem to move A LOT just periodically.



Those are adorable! Do they need live food, or would freeze dried work?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@MandoJr yes. A lot of sites say they need bigger tanks and at first I told my Mum, only one, but she didn't want it to be by itself so I thought OK we'll try this, if the tank stays stable and clean then we'll leave it as is. We'd kept them before (in an even smaller cube- which looking back was a terrible thing but it was a "trend" and that's how they were sold) ADF don't really move a whole lot. She has the albino and a grey (the grey one was under the bridge in that picture) as you can see the water is crystal, there is no algae thanks to the solo Nerite (pictured) and the plants (Anubias Nana, Guppy Grass, Duckweed) grow like gangbusters. The frogs need quick access to the surface for air- which they can easily get with a small cube. It's worked out rather well. 

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